
Fancy a landspeed record?

So, I lined up against Luke Skywalker at the lights the other day. He started lookin’ at me, I started lookin’ at him and I knew we were going to be on. Okay, I know the force is strong in him, but come on, look at that riced up go kart he’s in. My car may not be capable of intergalactic transport, but as I always say, she may not look like much but she’s got it where it counts. Skywalker starts trash talking saying he’ll blast me off. I asked if he cared to make in interesting. He agreed and a deal was struck. Winner takes all.

The lights are about to go green, I look at him with a glint in my eye and say “jumping through hyperspace ain’t like dustin crops boy!” That was just to psyche hom out though, through the force of tha interwebz I knew Skywalker’s “rocket” only had a 40km/h top speed. He believed his own hype and I blew him away.

I am now the proud owner of a rare X-34 Landspeeder! Or at least I could be if I wanted to.

Source: Daniel Deutsch via Top Gear