
More convertible tom-foolery

Following the earlier story about the European launch of the MINI Convertible comes this viral video of the roofless MINI being taken through a car wash. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to do this. I need wonder no more.

More on this can be seen at the MINI United website.

Source: MotoringFile

Top Gear

Lightning have released some viral ads promoting their website. Most of them are a bit “meh”, but this one is quite good. Would be nice if they allowed embedding of clips that weren’t just free ads though.


Toyota try to hang with the cool kids … and FAIL!

Further proof that Toyota as a brand has about as much appeal as a three day old tea-bag can be found by viewing the above YouTube clip. Sure, the blogosphere is talking about the ad, but it’s more a case of “if you can’t say anything nice then…”

Maybe Toyota is aiming for a LOLcat internet phenomenon, either way, this ad does nothing to make the Corolla a desirable brand. If Toyota wants cred, they could do a lot worse than having a chat with Colin Osborne.

(Thanks to Ben for the link.)