News Top Gear

Top Gear’s Russian revolution

Top Gear RussiaTop Gear Russia?! Yes, it’s true, the Top Gear politburo have sanctioned a Russian franchise.

The Top Gear website states, “there’s going to be a Top Gear Russia. Made in Russia for the Russians. A bit like the Aussie TG, but with more back-to-front letters and fewer boomerangs.”

A 15 episode run first series has been locked in, although presenters and studio location are yet to be finalised.


Top Gear Australia

Top Gear Australia – Series 1, Episode 3

Top Gear Australia - Series 1, Episode 3

Much better episode this week. Comfortably the show’s best to date. Warren Brown, the glue holding the hosts together, posted an entertaining piece on the BMW X6. Steve Pizzati was confused by the Mercedes-Benz CLK AMG 63 Black Series—is it a GT, a track day special, or just something grey in between? On these two films, in particular, the production values were high, if following the proven Top Gear UK formula of shifting focus and interesting angles. Regardless of that, they were very well made pieces. Although, there is still room for improvement in filming The Stig’s track work.

Not so sure there should always be a “this week’s challenge”, but the $500 paddock basher effort was great Monday night’s viewing. If anything, the segment was a little light on, and one or two more tests for the lads could have easily been carried.

Over the three episodes the weakest segments have been the “Celebrity in a Bog Standard Car”. Sure, these are celebs we’re supposed to be interested in, but they need to stop performing to the crowd, relax a little, and enjoy a quiet chat with Charlie—both would benefit from that. Julia Zemiro, from SBS’s RockWiz program, was not so bad overall, but her constant playing up to the audience was just a bit try hard. She needn’t be like that, she has good on camera charisma—like the hosts’ early efforts, the stars just need to be a bit more natural.

A couple more pics and SBS’s press release after the jump.

Top Gear

Top Gear – Series 12 returns 2 November

TopGear logoA short and quick post to let you all know Top Gear UK will return to Britain’s screens in just a few weeks, with Series 12 starting on 2 November. I have an inkling their recent Vietnam expedition may end up as a stand alone episode, but we shall see.


Top Gear Top Gear Australia has mid-cycle upgrade relaunches has just been given a new look. There’s games, videos and heaps of stuff about the show and pretty much all things Top Gear. Even confirmation of AUSmotive’s world exclusive news about the lads filming in Vietnam. Their new look is pretty cool, check it out…

Speaking of Top Gear websites, the Australian version is also worth a gander.

Top Gear Australia

Top Gear Australia – Series 1, Episode 2

Top Gear Australia - Series 1, Episode 2

The second episode of Top Gear Australia has just gone to air—have they improved on the promise shown in last week’s debut? Well, the episode got off to a very slow start. This, despite Charlie testing a right-hand drive Ford GT40 and then Charlie and Steve chucking a couple of Aussie supertaxis around Wakefield Park. Charlie is not so bad in a studio setting—although his waving arms may take some getting used to—but he’s still settling in to the on camera reviewer role. The Ford v Holden piece at Wakefield was the major letdown, however. The lads competed against each other in a straight out drag and also under braking, but the fact that no timed lap was included was incredibly lame. Not quite as lame as not having the balls to declare an outright winner and labelling “Ford and Holden are the winners here”. Oh dear.

That was enough to really test the patience of this viewer. Happily, though, things picked up, if you’ll pardon the pun, when the trio headed to Kalgoorlie to fang around a massive superpit in a few utes. Top Gear is more as much about entertainment as it is about fair dinkum car reviewing, and while last week’s challenge was a little forced at times, the chemistry in this week’s outing was a vast improvement. For me, it saved the episode, that’s for sure.

Top Gear

Exclusive: Top Gear enlists for Tour of Duty

Top Gear in Vietnam

*updated—15 December* Confirmed by Jeremy Clarkson at the end of Episode 7 last Sunday, the Vietnam Special will go to air in the UK on Sunday 28 December.

*updated—12 October* Pics of the Top Gear team filming in Vietnam have now surfaced on Facebook. There’s a few more included below, or follow the link from Gaz in the comments section for more [Edit: The Facebook album is no longer accessible]… Extra pics have been removed at the request of the original photographer. For all the latest on this episode, keep an eye on the FinalGear forums.

Series 12 of Top Gear (UK) is expected air on UK screens in November, so it was with great anticipation I heard some interesting news about what to expect in the new series. As this article is being written the Top Gear crew are in Vietnam preparing to film their next in-country challenge. Firm details are sketchy, but it is expected that Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May will be using motorbikes, instead of cars, taking a route from Ho Chi Minh City in the south before finishing up in Hanoi in north, with a visit to the World Heritage site of Halong Bay along the way.

Top Gear is developing quite a body of work for its in-country challenges, with the United States, Botswana and Japan just some of the locations the lads have tackled. No doubt this Vietnam Special, with the potential of seeing the three hosts riding motorbikes, will provide great entertainment. I understand there’s a very interesting powered watercraft waiting for the guys, which is bound to see one of them taking a swan dive.

Top Gear Australia

Top Gear Australia – Series 1, Episode 1

Top Gear Australia - Series 1, Episode 1

Top Gear Australia has arrived. It is clear, now, that the Top Gear format has been franchised, in the true sense of the word. Everything from the cast, the theme music, the set, right down to the seating positions of the presenters during the news segment pretty much matches the UK show frame for frame.

On the one hand, you can see why the producers have taken such a formulaic approach. After all, the original format has achieved enviable worldwide success. However, such was the degree of imitation that the viewer almost has a right to feel short changed. We’re only one episode in, granted, but it does seem as though the opportunity to give Top Gear Australia some genuine local flavour has been missed.

Conversely, by taking such a paint it by numbers approach Steve Pizzati, Charlie Cox and Warren Brown (pictured above) have been handed a great foundation from which to build. Indeed, take a look at the first two series of Top Gear UK and you’ll see the original trio needed time to settle in and build the camaraderie many enjoy today. For example, the first piece in the Australian format was a Surf-to-Snow Soft Roader Challenge. The challenge films rely heavily on the chemistry of the leading men and perhaps this was too bold an opening move as, at times, their mateship seemed a bit forced. This not to say the guys weren’t genuine, just that, the audience needs time to learn and familiarise itself with the characters. If my memory serves me correctly, the first challenge on the UK show was the £1500 Porsche Challenge, which aired in Series 5—ample time for Clarkson, Hammond and May to have established their individual niche.

Random wallpapers Top Gear Volkswagen

Top Gear tea break – MkV Golf GTI redux

With all the talk of the new MkVI Golf GTI, I thought it might be time to remind Volkswagen what the new model has to live up. With thanks, of course, to Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear (Series 5, Episode 6).

See below for a Random wallpaper surprise.

Top Gear Australia

Top Gear Australia launches this Monday

A quick reminder that Top Gear Australia premieres at 7:30pm tomorrow night on SBS. Thanks to AUSmotive reader Ali for sending in this clip.

Top Gear Australia

Top Gear Australia teaser

Spotted on CarAdvice, here is a two and a half minute teaser for Top Gear Australia. The first episode will air nationally on SBS on Monday 29 September. If this teaser is anything to go by, I reckon the show will be a bloody good value.

News Top Gear Australia

Sneak peek at Top Gear Australia launch

Top Gear Australia

Last week SBS launched Top Gear Australia to the country’s media. Unfortunately, I was busy that day and couldn’t make it, haha. You can catch a few highlights from this SBS video and read a few more details at CarAdvice. Don’t forget, there’s just over two weeks until Top Gear Australia makes its television premiere on Monday 29 September.

Source: autoblog

News Top Gear Australia

Top Gear Australia to premiere on 29 September

TopGear logoLadies and gentlemen start your televisions! SBS has announced a premiere date for the Australian production of Top Gear—7:30pm Monday 29 September. Series 1 will run for 8 episodes.

Many fans of the original UK version of Top Gear remain skeptical about the merits of the Australian production. However, on paper at least, I think the Aussie cast looks very promising. Snippets I’ve read in the press also give me confidence with Executive Producer Andy Wilman acknowledging they have a hard road ahead of them to keep the spirit of the original show with the new efforts here and in the US. All signs to date indicate this production will be done, and done well.

From the SBS Top Gear website: Calling themselves “the ugliest men on television” the comical Australian larrikins have tested a diverse range of cars, talked, joked and sung their way through countless hours behind the wheel, have donned wool vests, top hats and goggles for stories—although not all in one outing, and have competed against each other in amusing, and sometimes bordering on the side of ridiculous, challenges. But most importantly, they have had a “darn good time”.