Top Gear

Some say… The Stig is Ben Collins

Ben Collins

Media reports from around the globe are reviving old rumours that Ben Collins is The Stig. Speculation on the true identity of the famous Top Gear test driver was thrown into the spotlight last week when it was revealed the man inside the white race suit wanted to out himself, only to be silenced by BBC lawyers.

Now it would appear others have done the dirty work for him. Details from the financial records of Collins Autosport were published in The Sunday Times on the weekend and revealed a sharp boost in income back in 2003 for “driving services provided for the BBC, mainly in the Top Gear programme.”

The timing is in line with the Black Stig’s replacement, following the revelation that former F1 driver Perry McCarthy was the original Stig. McCarthy is understood to have been sacked by the BBC once he revealed his true identity in his autobiography Flat out, flat broke.

Rumours of Collins’ identity first emerged following Richard Hammond’s serious crash in September 2006 when he was named in the accident report.

A tradesman also shed light on the matter some time back after doing some work at Collins’ house and seeing The Stig’s driving suit and gloves hanging up inside the home in a display cabinet.

It has been reported The Stig earns up to AU$17,000 per episode for his services to Top Gear. However, the unconfirmed driver is believed to want a larger slice of the revenue derived by Stig merchandising sold by the BBC.

[Source: Telegraph | Pic: Collins Autosport | Thanks to Sean for the tip]

Top Gear

Some say… he thinks lawyers are the devil incarnate

The Stig

Kids, sit down, I have something to tell you. Santa Claus isn’t real. The Easter Bunny? No, nope real, either. The Tooth Fairy is a fraud, too. You may not be surprised to learn, then, that some say The Stig is not real; that he is just a person like you and me.

And it turns out The Stig himself actually thinks this is the case as well. But the lawyers at the BBC are in denial. Massive denial. And it is understood the situation is fast approaching breakig point. You see The Stig, well, the person inside the The Stig, wants to write his autobiography. Naturally, he reckons he might snag a few book sales if he comes out and says, “Hey, you’ll never guess what. I am The Stig!”

I reckon he’d be right, too. But the BBC silks don’t think so. They’re threatening legal action and pointing out The Stig is contractually obliged to keep mum about his identity. Supposedly a handful of BBC execs and the three hosts—Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May—are the only people who know The Stig’s true identity. Although, there are some reasonably well accepted theories as to who he might be.

Some say the irony of an organisation with the initials B and C in it preventing The Stig from revealing his true identity is a bit cute.

[Source: Daily Mail]

Top Gear

Top Gear, Season 16 – due to start in early 2011

Top Gear cast

UPDATE 2 January 2011: Season 16 is scheduled to start on 23 January [more…].

Fans of Top Gear will have to wait until early next year for Series 16 to go to air. The news was published in the above snippet taken from the UK version of Top Gear magazine (September 2010 issue).

Traditionally, a series of Top Gear airs on British TV screens in the third quarter of each year. We can only speculate as to why Season 16 has been pushed back, but hopefully the lads will be back in January.

So far, then, we’ve only had seven episodes of Top Gear to tide us over in 2010; the final ep from Season 14 and the recently completed Season 15. There’s not been such a barren spell since 2006, which was the year Richard Hammond had his high speed accident. Apart from that that exception Top Gear have historically produced 13 or more episodes per year.

There is also a small rumour suggesting there could be a Top Gear Christmas Special, possibly even two, broadcast later this year.

[Source: FinalGear]

Bugatti Top Gear

Veyron Super Sport sets new Top Gear track record

Bugatti Veyron Super Sport

The 1200bhp Bugatti Veyron Super Sport recently set a new world record for the fastest production car ever made. The average top speed recorded during the record run was an astounding 431km/h. But what is it like around the Top Gear track? Watch the clip from episode 15×05 below and see just how the Super Sport claimed another prized record; it now sits atop the Top Gear Power Lap board.

James May also returned to the driver’s seat of the Veyron to experience the “Bloody Nora” speeds all for himself.

Kia Top Gear

Cruise and Diaz to appear in Top Gear 15×05

Tom Cruise & Cameron Diaz

Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz will appear in the next episode of Top Gear. They will be the guests at the wheel of the Kia Cee’d in the “Star in a reasonably priced car” segment.

The news has just been revealed by Richard Porter on Porter explains, “Back in 2002 when we were planning New TopGear, we used to reflect on the newly minted idea of a star in a Reasonably Priced Car and cackle quietly to ourselves.

“‘Tom Cruise!’ we would smirk. ‘Tom Cruise in a crappy Korean hatchback!’

“That was the gag: massive A-list celebrities finding themselves shoehorned into the kind of car they’d normally never be seen dead in. The whole thing was deliberately preposterous.”

Episode 5 of Season 15 is shaping up as cracker with an Ayrton Senna tribute scheduled, as well as James May nearing 400km/h in a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.

[Source: | Pic:]


Jeremy Clarkson on the 911 GT3

Porsche 911 GT3

For every Chris Harris there is a Jeremy Clarkson. That is, for every person who will always find something positive to say about a Porsche 911, there is always someone to find the negative.

Clarkson is well known for his dislike of all things 911, too. This following comment is a perfect example of that, “I don’t remember what sort of 911 I drove first, but I’d heard so many horror stories about the wayward handling that I didn’t dare go more than 4 mph. Which meant I had more time to examine the ridiculously basic dashboard, and the heater controls which appeared to be connected to nothing at all.”

However, has Jeremy seen the light? Maybe be has, “But then along came the new GT3 and I won’t dwell on the whys and the wherefores, but I loved it. Not liked it. Loved it.

“Despite the aesthetic shortfalls, and the fact it’s a 911, this is a great car. It goes round roundabouts like nothing I’ve ever driven. In a test of pure handling and grip, it would be a match for anything. And it only costs £86,000. That’s just shy of half what you’d pay for a Ferrari 458. Half.”

Was the 911 GT3 really able to turn Clarkson’s opinion around 180 degrees? Follow the link below to find out.


Motorsports Porsche

Behind the scenes with the Porsche 911 GT3 R Hybrid

Porsche GT3 R Hybrid

Here is a real treat for you, Autocar have just posted a video of Steve Sutcliffe driving the Porsche GT3 R Hybrid. This is the same car that very nearly won the demanding Nürburgring 24 hour race at its first attempt.

In his written review Sutcliffe says driving the GT3 R Hybrid is, “Quite spooky, incredibly efficient but also just very, very exciting to use. When you press the magic button for the first time it actually feels a bit like a cheat, the rush of extra acceleration comes at you that fast. But when you get used to the way it works – the way it can alter not just your speed along a straight but also the handling balance mid corner even – the hybrid GT3 R is quite clearly a highly significant piece of kit; the beginning of a brand new era.”

Piers Ward from has also had a drive in the GT3 R Hybrid. Here’s a bit of what he had to say, “This thing is utterly brilliant. It’s not about chasing fuel figures or CO2, it’s about trying to maximise performance.

“By the end of three braking zones, the flywheel is fully re-charged. The weirdest part of the whole thing is the noise is makes as it’s getting charged up – like a hoover on speed, whirring away frantically.”

In closing his review Sutcliffe says, “hybrid power is not the future for companies like Porsche and cars like the 911, it is the present. Not so much the end of the road for high performance cars, but the beginning of a brand new chapter.

Take the jump to watch the Autocar clip.

Kia Top Gear

Top cee’d

Kia cee'd

If you haven’t caught up with the news the Kia cee’d is Top Gear‘s new Reasonably Priced Car. This fact was revealed overnight when episode 15×01 went to air on BBC2. Understandably the top brass at Kia UK are making some noise.

Stephen Kitson, Kia Motors UK spokesman said, “The last time Top Gear paid us any attention I think they tried to build one of our cars out of washing machines – so this is quite a step forward in their understanding of just how Kia has changed over the last six years.”

To see the cee-apostrophe-d in action on Top Gear you’ll need to scour the resources on the interwebz or just wait for Channel Nine to pull their fingers out.

Does this mean an end to those bloody annoying Todd Woodbridge ads is nigh?

Top Gear

Top Gear – Season 15 preview

Top Gear - 15x01

As most of you will know, the wraps are about to come off a new season of Top Gear (and a new Reasonably Priced Car). The first episode goes to air on UK screens in a few hours and over at the offical site Andy Wilman, Executive Producer, gives us a preview what to expect.

Wilman also holds high hopes for Series 15, “We’ve shot some really good stuff for this run. Those of you who read these blogs regularly know I’m the first to ’fess up if we’ve done a stinker, and that I love a nice dose of pessimism – and you know I thought the last series was up and down. But I’m looking at the contents on my little wall chart thing now, and there’s some quality work here.

“And if you like your TopGear served up with a dash more petrolheadery, then just wait for the Senna tribute we’ve shot, where we’ve got an exclusive with Lewis Hamilton driving Senna’s 1988 F1 car. We all love Lewis for the way he wears his heart on his sleeve when he races, and it’s the same when he shows his emotions for his hero.”

The Senna piece sounds like it has the makings to be an all time classic Top Gear segment. Let’s hope Lewis doesn’t stuff it.

[Source: TopGear | Pic: TopGear]

UPDATE: Speculation via the Car Lounge at suggests the new Reasonably Priced Car is the Kia Cee’d.

UPDATE 28 June: An informative video, of sorts, featuring Jeremy Clarkson has been posted to the TopGear website. You can see the clip below in which Jeremy confirms the Cee-apostrphe-d’s new status as the Reasonably Priced Car.

Top Gear

Top Gear – Season 15 trailer

Top Gear - Series 15 preview

Great news for Oscar’s mum and dad; they’ve been featured in a new preview for Series 15 of Top Gear. The new season kicks off this weekend and you can see the latest BBC2 promo right here on AUSmotive. There it is, just after the jump.

If you’d rather not listen to a couple of screaming loons, then take a peak at the Top Gear blog where you can discover the Chevrolet Lacetti has been axed and that the crew had a big meeting and decided to try a bit harder this time around.

Top Gear Australia

Top Gear Australia names cast for 2010

Top Gear Australia cast, 2010

We knew Top Gear Australia was going to be produced after the switch to Channel Nine, but, until now we didn’t know who would host the program. Well, apart from a dodgy Shane Warne rumour. As you can see Steve Pizzati (left) is back, and is the only of the former SBS hosts to keep his job.

Joining Pizzati is comedian Shane Jacobson (centre) and journo Ewen Page, who just happens to be editor-in-chief of Top Gear Australia magazine and the website.

Self-confessed revhead Jacobson, best known for his lead role in the movie Kenny, is cockahoop at his new gig, “I like many different types of cars, so now that I’m getting the chance to drive plenty of fast cars on other people’s insurance, let me just say I’m as happy as Elvis in a room full of burgers.

“But the people who pay the insurance aren’t quite as excited. I think they feel like Guy Fawkes has just been given the keys to an explosives factory – and they’re right.”

Meanwhile, Page is keen to be taking on one of the few roles in he hasn’t tried during his career in motoring media, which is approaching its fourth decade, “I’m aiming to bring a more urbane, intellectual feel to the show. I will be testing Saabs exclusively, wearing black turtleneck sweaters and featuring in extended stories on the car and its role in modern society. Or doing burnouts in a Falcon ute.”

As for Pizzati, he seems to be his usual vibrant self, “Eat + sleep + incessant travel + seriously cool driving = my life, but I am currently trying to remove the first three parts of the equation.”

No news yet on when the new series will go to air; on his Transmission blog Ewen Page says filming is just about to begin, so we’re a few months away yet. Can commercial television turn Top Gear Australia into something fair dinkum Top Gear fans will genuinely embrace? Not sure about anyone else, but while I wish the new crew all the best, I’m not holding my breath.


News Top Gear

Gran Turismo 5 launch date – 2 November 2010

GT5 - 2 November 2010

The makers of GT5 have finally announced a release date for their new gaming epic. North American buyers can get their hands on GT5 from 2 November 2010. Dates for other markets are yet to be announced.

It’s been almost six years since the release of GT4 so the new version is not only eagerly awaited, but well overdue. The Gran Turismo name fell from the top of most people’s must-have games list a long time ago. Will GT5 restore the title’s credibility?

After the break is a two minute teaser – featuring The Stig on the Top Gear test track – that gives us an idea of what to expect.