
AutoExpress takes closer look at Mk6 Golf GTI

Mk6 Golf GTI

It was with some anticipation that I stumbled across this article on the AutoExpress website. A studio shoot including all six versions of the Golf GTI, and a promised write up of the first five, with a declaration at the end of which GTI they reckon is the best. As an unashamed GTI fan, having owned a Mk4 GTI and currently a Mk5 GTI, I was pretty keen to see more. So, when I checked in at and saw the article in question I was even happier. Only fair to share and share alike, then.

News Top Gear Australia

Top Gear Australia audience call

Top Gear AustraliaThe debut of Top Gear Australia is getting closer by the day. So much so that SBS has started an audience call for Series 1. If you are over 18, can easily get yourself to Top Gear Australia’s Sydney studio in September/October and don’t mind if your mug gets on the telly then this could be the gig for you! Follow THIS LINK to register your interest and you’ll be in with a chance to join Charlie, Warren and Steve for the studio filming.

Good luck!

Oh, a quick reminder that starting at 7:30 tonight SBS delves into the vault to bring us Series 2 of Top Gear UK. This is James May’s debut series and well worth a sticky beak if you’ve not already seen it.

(Thanks to Wes for the tip.)