Ferrari News

Swiss motorist cops AU$316,000 speeding fine

Ferrari Testarossa

Swiss authorities are known for their intolerance of rule breaking, and so this has been proved with reports of a motorist being fined 299,000 Swiss francs (AU$316,000) for driving through the village of St Gallen at 100km/h. Wowsers, that’s a lot of moolah!

Behind the wheel of his Ferrari Testarossa at the time the driver has a vast fortune, estimated to be AU$24 million, as such the court ordered a fine commensurate with his wealth.

“The accused ignored elementary traffic rules with a powerful vehicle out of a pure desire for speed,” the court said in its judgment of the driver.

The previous record fine in Switzerland was a comparatively feeble AU$117,000 charged in 2008 to a Porsche driver in Zurich.

[Source: Reuters]