Formula 1

Ross Brawn “definitely retiring” from Formula 1

2013 Italian Grand Prix

Ross Brawn won’t be joining McLaren this year, instead he will be “definitely retiring”, leaving the sport to enjoy a spot of fishing.

The 59-year-old who has overseen a combined total of 16 world championships with Renault, Ferrari and Brawn GP team was tipped to join McLaren to work alongside Ron Dennis who has returned to a hands on role at Woking.

Dennis is restructuring the F1 team and needs to fill the newly created position of McLaren Racing CEO, who will be the conduit between Dennis and new Racing Director Eric Boullier.

You can see how a man of Brawn’s experience would be ideal for such a role. Alas, for McLaren its search will continue. However, it would be foolhardy to expect Brawn’s time away from F1 to be permanent. That may prove to be the case, but don’t be surprised at all if he turns up somewhere in 2015.

Honda is returning to F1 as an engine supplier next year and that may provide a pathway for Brawn to come back to the sport, given his history with the manufacturer.

Brawn left Mercedes at the end of last year and speaking at a recent fishing event in Scotland he said: “What they didn’t realise when I was invited here was they had a scoop because the world’s press was trying to find out if I was retiring or not.

“This is the busiest time of the year for Formula One and I said I would come along and open the River Dee. If they had put two and two together they would have realised I was definitely retiring.”

Brawn later left the door open of a return to the sport when he added: “I’m retiring, it’s not tongue in cheek.

“I’m going to take a year to enjoy the fishing and then see what life brings. I’m looking forward to it but I’ve got no other plans.”

[Source: The Telegraph | Pic: Mercedes AMG]

Formula 1 McLaren

Big Ron back on deck at McLaren

Ron Dennis

There’s been big changes at McLaren with expectations the bloodletting has only just begun. First, Ron Dennis returns to the role of McLaren Group CEO, a position he left in 2012. In doing so he has displaced Martin Whitmarsh, the man who replaced him.

Dennis comes with a promise to “undertake a thorough and objective review” and to “implement the organisational structure” required to achieve his new world order.

For now Whitmarsh keeps his role as McLaren’s Team Principal but you don’t have to look too hard to find plenty of speculation that Whitmarsh will soon be freed from the tight constraints of Woking.

While we’re riding a few bandwagons let’s get on board the wagon carrying Ross Brawn, right into Whitmarsh’s Team Principal role. At lest that’s the opinion now being shared by The Telegraph.

So what’s driving these changes? The relentless and ruthless chase for success. McLaren, one of the most successful F1 teams of all time, did not score a single podium in 2013. Worse, it hasn’t won a constructor’s championship for almost 15 years. And it’s now five years since Lews Hamilton won the driver’s crown.

There hasn’t appeared to be a groundswell of disharmony coming from Woking, but with their tightly controlled ship who really knows. Certainly the return of Dennis, announced with a stirring speech from 66-year-old, seems to have captured the staff’s imagination.

“So inspired by Ron speech yesterday! Let’s start exciting new chapter in McLaren again! #BelieveInRon,” tweeted design engineer Giovanni Banzola.

While Clare Martin, head race and test coordinator, added: “Think it’s safe to say today’s news was received well! #BelieveInRon”.

How serious are the claims of Brawn’s return to Formula 1, just a few weeks after departing Mercedes? Well, he probably didn’t expect the possibility of an opportunity opening up with McLaren. Is Brawn’s relationship with Honda, who will power McLaren’s cars again in 2015, such that it could be contributing factor in joining McLaren. Or will a mutual respect and a recent conversation with Dennis be enough for that?

We should have answers to all of these questions, and perhaps even more, before the Australian Grand Prix in mid-March.

Formula 1 Mercedes-Benz

Mercedes AMG and Ross Brawn to part ways

Ross Brawn

One the most top-heavy teams in the F1 Paddock, Mercedes AMG, will be shedding some top weight management expertise with the long awaited confirmation that Team Principal, Ross Brawn, will be leaving at the end of the year.

Brawn’s role will be shared by Toto Wolff (Executive Director, Business) and Paddy Lowe (Executive Director, Technical). For now Brawn’s future in F1 is unclear, but we expect it won’t take him long to be gainfully employed should that be his wish.

Niki Lauda, the team’s Non-executive Chairman said: “We have had long discussions with Ross about how he could continue with the team but it is a basic fact that you cannot hold somebody back when they have chosen to move on. Ross has decided that this is the right time to hand over the reins to Toto and Paddy and we respect his decision.”

Although, you can’t help but feeling this piece of satire from Sniff Petrol is a little bit closer to the mark.

The full statement from Mercedes AMG can be read after the break.

Formula 1 Mercedes-Benz

Michael Schumacher returns to F1 at Valencia

MercedesGP - Valencia day 1

Michael Schumacher is back! His eagerly anticipated return to Formula One with MercedesGP took its first step overnight with the season’s first test session, held at Valenicia.

Speaking at the end of the day Schumacher, who set the third fastest time, said “It was a perfect rollout for the new car today. I felt totally comfortable and really had a feeling that everything was very natural. It felt just like at the very beginning of my career in 1991 when on the first lap, I thought ‘wow that was really fast’ and then on the second lap, I was just extremely excited. I feel like a young boy again and really enjoyed myself out there.

“We did a good job today, just making a few control checks, and the most important thing was that the car ran reliably. With Nico and I covering 79 laps between us, it was a superb job by the team.”

A full list of times from day 1 can be seen here (there were only 8 runners). There are two more days remaining on the Valencia testing schedule. Nico Rosberg will be the only MercedesGP driver to take to the track tomorrow, while Schumacher will return on day 3.

After the jump you will find more pics of Schumacher on track and in pit lane, along with statements from teammate Nico Rosberg and Team Principal Ross Brawn.

Formula 1 Mercedes-Benz

Brawn set to go around the Benz

BrawnGP to accept Mercedes-Benz buyout

As the day passes the news gets bigger for BrawnGP. While nothing in F1 is ever certain, the Button to McLaren move looks to be gathering momentum. With Rubens Barichello’s step to Williams already confirmed, BrawnGP will need a new pairing to defend their constructor’s title.

That title defence looks set for a massive boost, too, with reports suggesting Mercedes-Benz are prepared to purchase a massive 75% stake in the team. It is understood that this deal has already been signed off by the two parties. Expect an announcement to confirm the move sometime in the next week, possibly as soon as the next 24 hours (or now!).

Leading the charge behind the wheel for Brawn in 2010 will be Nico Rosberg and Nick Heidfeld according to a report at Planet F1.

Mercedes-Benz owns a 40% share of the McLaren F1 team, so it will be fun to watch how that relationship continues if the German giant buys in to BrawnGP in such a big way.

Then there’s the possibility of two top dogs at McLaren, in Hamilton and Button. Martin Whitmarsh looks set to be a very busy boy in 2010 with egos to massage on all sides of the garage.

[Source: Planet F1 | Thanks to Chris for the tip]

UPDATE: Breaking news—BrawnGP have been taken over by Mercedes and will race in 2010 as Mercedes Grand Prix. A full statement, as posted on the BrawnGP website, can be read below.

Formula 1 Honda

Ross Brawn buys Honda Racing F1 Team

Ross Brawn buys Honda Racing F1 Team
Brawn GP car debuts at Silverstone on Friday

The newest team in Formula One will be called Brawn GP. As expected, Ross Brawn has taken over the Honda Racing F1 Team, which announced its withdrawal from Formula One last December. Official statements from both Honda and Brawn GP confirming today’s news can be read after the jump.

The announcement from Brawn GP also confirms that former Honda drivers Jenson Button and Rubens Barichello will retain their seats in the salvaged team.

“I am delighted that Jenson Button and Rubens Barichello will form our race driver line-up for the 2009 season. The vast experience and knowledge that both drivers bring to our team will prove invaluable as we aim to get up to speed in the shortest possible time to be ready for the first race of the season,” said Brawn.

The team will continue to operate from the Brackley base used by Honda. Brawn GP will run Mercedes-Benz FO108W customer engines. The first car, labelled BGP001 is understood to be a modified Honda RA109 chassis.

Brawn GP must now begin to cram as much testing in as possible before the opening race in Melbourne at the end of this month. The team will have just two testing periods—Barcelona (9-12 March) and Jerez (15-17 March)—before lining up on the grid at the Australian Grand Prix on 29 March.

For more on Brawn GP, check out their official website, which is expected to be updated regularly over the coming days.

UPDATE: Image added above showing Jenson Button rolling out BGP001 at Silverstone on Friday.

Formula 1 Honda News

Honda F1 team saved by Slim’s picking?

Honda F1 saved by Carlos Slim Helu

The dreams of the Honda F1 team appear to have come true with news Mexican telecommunications billionaire Carlos Slim Helú (inset pic) has bought the team, according to a report in Italian newspaper La Stampa. Slim is reported to be the world’s second richest man and has proven experience in motorsport with his Telmex company being a long time supporter of the US based Chip Ganassi Racing.

The news is yet to be confirmed in an official capacity, and is reporting that Slim is just one of four parties in negotiations with Honda F1 Racing.

However, according to the La Stampa article it is believed Slim paid the £1 asking price announced by Honda when confirming plans to quit Formula One. If this news comes to fruition it is likely the revitalised team will keep Britain’s Jenson Button for one of the driving positions, while the other drive will go to Brazilian Bruno Senna (pictured above during testing in November). Bruno is the nephew of F1 legend and triple world champion Ayrton Senna. This means the former Honda driver, Brazilian veteran Rubens Barichello, could be forced into retirement.

Importantly, master tactician Ross Brawn will also be kept on staff and assuming Slim throws the full weight of his finances behind the team, the F1 circus will see the welcome the addition of new privateer player on the starting grid.

Source: autoblog, AFP & (Thanks to Nick and Dylan for the tips.)