
Mercedes-Benz F 800 Style Research Vehicle

Mercedes-Benz F 800

Today is the turn of Mercedes-Benz to reveal their star before the Geneva Motor Show. One wonders if there will be any surprises left when the show opens to the public on 4 March. However, Mercedes have most definitely surprised with this new concept called the F 800 Style Research Vehicle. Just look at it. An astonishing blend of curves and surfacing that looks for all money as though it could never have emerged from Mercedes-Benz.

Mercedes-Benz are also spruiking the news that the F 800 Style will be the vehicle future Benz models are inspired by. Bravo!

The surprises don’t stop with the F 800’s exterior either. The rear doors slide back, as you might expect on a people mover. The front doors open conventionally and the lack of a b-pillar offers a generous opening to make access into the car a breeze. Once inside you are greeted with a pretty wild interior, as well. It’s quite sparse, but take a gander at that steering wheel. What is that all about!

Pushing the envelope even further the F 800 Style has two drivetrain options, a petrol-electric hybrid or a hydrogen powered fuel-cell electric motor. The latter has a theoretical range of 600km of emissions-free travelling.

There’s heaps to see and read after the break, so sit down and enjoy.