
Ferrari recalls flaming 458 Italia

Ferrari 458 Italia

Ferrari has issued a recall on all 458 Italia models built before July this year following numerous examples of 458s being destroyed by fire. The recall was confirmed by a Ferrari spokesperson, “Our dealers are going to call clients and tell them to bring back their cars so that the necessary modifications can be carried out.”

Worldwide sales of the 458 Italia currently number around 1250. The recall is a result of an internal Ferrari investigation which revealed problems with the adhesive used to mount heat shields in the rear wheel arch assemblies.

Ferrari’s spokesperson explained, “High outside temperatures and intensive use of the vehicle cause a distortion and the vehicle catches fire.” Essentially high exhaust temps can cause the adhesive used to overheat to the point of ignition. Recalled models will have their heat shields replaced.

It has been reported by Autocar that Ferrari will be replacing any cars that have been damaged as a result of this issue.

[Source: AFP]