MINI Porsche

Porsche > MINI

MINI v Porsche

For those of you who have been following the MINI v Porsche challenge you’ll be pleased to know the results are in. The course was announced a couple of days ago and MINI USA provided a makeshift motorkhana style track for its Cooper S to take on the Porsche 911. Despite this attempt to tailor a course to in favour of the MINI’s excellent handling characteristics the result was predictable, as the grab above from the video shows.

You can watch the full race after the jump, including a pre-race interview with each of the drivers—Brad Davis (MINI) and Corey Friedman (Porsche). At this stage there’s been no official response from the man who started it all, MINI USA President, Jim McDowell. He has one last chance to save face, let’s see what he comes up with.

Over the years MINI’s marketing across the world has been first class; mostly cheeky, witty and engaging. This stunt, though, well, let’s hope it is only MINI USA that has jumped the shark.

[via Autoblog]

MINI Porsche

Porsche declines MINI novelty race

MINI v Porsche

Porsche have declined the invitation to a race from MINI USA President Jim McDowell with a wonderfully succinct reply.

The response took the form of an open letter written by Detlev Von Platen, President and CEO of Porsche Cars North America. In his letter, available in full below, he states, “Porsche doesn’t race for fame, stunts or publicity. We race to challenge ourselves; we race to push sports car technology; we race to translate every win on the track to our cars on the road.”

Von Platen didn’t miss a second opportunity to remind McDowell that Porsche’s racing history is proud and grows with many major events each year, “While your challenge seems like a fun and lighthearted campaign, we’ll stick to racing the way we have over the decades. We welcome you at Sebring, Le Mans, Daytona or any other sanctioned race where there is more at stake than T-shirts and valet parking spaces.”

An invitation of his own was issued by Von Platen when he included a link to a Porsche advertisement that highlights its racing pedigree. The ad has been featured on AUSmotive before and can be seen again after the jump.

So, for now, at least, the MINI v Porsche party is over. Although, given MINI’s cheeky marketing prowess they’ll likely have a new tack ready to tack in this battle of wits which aims, if nothing else, to put the MINI name alongside Porsche in a new way to create brand association.

[Source: Autoblog]

UPDATE: MotoringFile brings us news that MINI USA are getting ready to flog a dead horse.

MINI Porsche

MINI v Porsche

MINI v Porsche

This is Jim McDowell, President of MINI USA and former Porsche employee. In the video after the jump Jim presents a challenge to Porsche by daring them to race a MINI. Part PR stunt, part madness but typical of the brash MINI marketing methods employed around the world since the car was launched in 2001.

MINI have proposed a date for the showdown of 21 June, so we don’t have long to wait and see what happens next. The cars to take part would be a MINI Cooper S and a Porsche 911. The track? Road Atlanta, a purpose-built 4km long track conveniently located near Porsche USA headquarters.

For their part Porsche seem interested with Steve Janisse, Porsche’s Media Relations Manager, saying, “Porsche has the most racing victories of any manufacturer out there – 28,000 and counting – maybe we should go for 28,001.”

More info available from

[Source: Jalopnik via Kilometer Magazine]

Green Machines MINI

EXCLUSIVE: MINI E Race – the complete Nürburgring lap

MINI E Race @ Nurburgring Nordschleife

Back in April it was announced a specially prepared MINI E Race had lapped the Nürburgring in under 10 minutes. In this age of Porsche v Nissan lap wars sub-10 minute laps times are nothing too special. But, when you consider that the MINI E used to post this lap did so under full electric power, with zero emissions, then the achievement begins to take on a new perspective. That’s because it was a world first.

At the time a brief video was released to YouTube. It was great to see the MINI in action and all, but it was a highlights reel than ran for around 90 seconds and there is an audio track over the top of the raw footage. You want to see the full lap, right?

Through graft and persistence AUSmotive can now show you the entire 9 minute 51 second lap. The footage is unedited and there is no extra audio.

A few things stand out. Firstly, just how foggy the conditions were when this time was recorded. Visibility in some sections was severely compromised. It was a closed track, of course, but that didn’t make things that much easier for the driver Thomas Jäger.

You will also notice the lack of engine noise, of course. It’s not totally quiet and there are some whining sounds emanating from the drivetrain. Under braking, too, you can hear the MINI E whirring away. Apart from that, though, the only other noise you hear is the growl of the semi slick tyres from time to time.

While watching the lap you can see the timer mounted at the base of the speedometer so as to keep an eye on progress. Incidentally, when the speedo needle is pointing upright the car is doing 130km/h. Top speed on the Döttinger Hohe straight was 187km/h.

Take the jump now to watch the world’s first zero emission lap of the full Nürburgring Nordschleife. For more on the MINI E Race click HERE.

News Video

Race of Champions

The 2008 Race of Champions is being held at Wembley Stadium this weekend. To help get you in the mood, here is a clip of last year’s final, featuring Germany’s Michael Schumacher (you may have heard of him) and Sweden’s Mattias Ekström. Finally something that Schumacher didn’t win!

For more info on the 2008 happenings, check out the official Race of Champions website. If you’re not familiar with the concept, the event takes a bunch of the world’s best drivers/riders from across the major motorspot disciplines and pits them against each other in equal machinery.

This event will also be Lewis Hamilton’s first public official McLaren appearance since winning the F1 world title. To celebrate he’ll be giving his F1 car a few beans around the track, as well as racing Olympic cycling Gold medallist Chris Hoy.

Canberra’s own Mark Webber was scheduled to take part in this event, but when the Queanbeyan driver broke his leg, he had to withdraw.

Formula 1 News

BBC TV announces 2009 F1 commentary team

BBC TV 2009 F1 commentary team

The BBC’s five-year deal to broadcast F1—which includes rights to TV, radio, internet and mobile (2009-2013 inclusive)—starts with next year’s Australian Grand Prix. Heading the broadcast team will be Jake Humphrey (pictured above left). Race commentary will come from Jonathan Legard, with Martin Brundle continuing his expert comments role. Joining Humphrey to chew the fat before and after each race will be David Coulthard and Eddie Jordan.

Pit lane commentary will be provided by Ted Kravitz (former ITV) and Lee McKenzie.

Murray Walker is back too, although in a special internet only role. He will provide regular observations on BBC’s website

Looks like a good lineup, made all the better by the simple fact that there is no f**king James Allen! F1 fans the world over will be delighted with that news. However, AUSmotive insiders inform us that Eddie Jordan could be just as excitable about the exploits of young Lewis. Let’s hope not.

Audi Motorsports

Audi R8 GT3 – purpose built customer racecar

Audi R8 GT3

Remember when you were a kid and you had your dream car, a car, that in your mind, you would take from the factory and make it the fastest damn thing the world had ever seen. Well Audi has gone part way to helping you fulfill your dream with the release of the R8 GT3 race version. Clearly the guys down at Audi Sport, quattro GmbH and Audi Hungaria Motor Kft had plenty of Meccano when they were kids and it looks as though they shared similar dreams to the rest of us. Fortunately, unlike the chavtastic ricers you see doof-doofing at your local mall, these guys have actually put their Meccano skills to good use.

The R8 GT3 is a race ready customer car that meets all GT3 racing regulations out of the box. That means the 500hp+ (375kW) normally aspirated V8 is driven via the rear wheels only. A race strength 6 speed sequential transmission has been developed. Amazingly many of the suspension components are standard OEM parts. Three purpose built factories will be opened to service the vehicles in Ingolstadt, Necksarlum and Györ. Rich buggers living our dreams will be able to take delivery of their new dream racecar in the latter half of 2009.

BMW Motorsports

BMW M3 race version

Regular trawlers of motoring websites will know information on this BMW M3 race version is not new. This does not mean its late arrival on AUSmotive is any less worthy however. A replacement for the awesome BMW M3 GTR the new M3 race version is all set for the 2009 American Le Mans Series. Like the previous GTR one would expect this M3 to have a crack at the Nürburgring 24 hour race in 2009 as well. Enjoy this clip above from before going all ga-ga over the glory of the images below (click each pic for a 2000px super image). Just look at it! There’s also enough technical data in BMW’s press information to keep anyone happy.