Bathurst 12 Hour Formula 1 Motorsports WEC

Racetracks of the world to scale

Racetracks of the world to scale

In this graphic you’re looking at 95 famous racetracks from the world, all compared alongside each other in scale. It’s been prepared by a guy appropriately named Matt Dunlop. Thanks Matt, this is great work!

Some tracks are pretty obvious to make out, such as the Nürburgring, Circuit de la Sarthe, Silverstone, Suzuka, Mount Panorama, Phillip Island and so on. If you want to identify more tracks simply click on the image above for the full-sized 3450x2400px version and all will be revealed.

For example, what’s the massive track running around the outside of the graphic? It’s the 60.73km Snaefell Mountain Course, best known for hosting the Isle of Man TT.

[Source: imgur | Thanks to Micky for the tip]

Audi Video WRC

Paying our respects to the first Audi S1

Audi UR quattro

We acknowledge that some people will be cut up that Audi is bestowing the legendary S1 badge on a pissy four cylinder hatchback. And while we do side with Audi on this one—as one of life’s great philosophers once said, “You can’t stop progress”—we hope these videos of “The S1” absolutely smashing it will appease those who aren’t happy with Audi’s decision.

It’s wishful thinking, of course, but let’s just pretend for a moment that Audi has been crazy enough to ensure the new S1 has the turbo whistle form the old car.

Motorsports News Peugeot

Preview: Race to the Clouds

Race to the Clouds

This is your friendly revhead public service announcement that Race to the Clouds, a documentary on the 2013 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, will be screening across Australia this weekend. Switch your TV to 7mate at 11am on Saturday to make sure you don’t miss out!

Motorsports Peugeot

King of the Peak in pictures

Sebastien Loeb, Peugeot 208 T16 Pikes Peak

You’ve seen the video, now here’s the photo gallery of Sebastien Loeb’s all-conquering assault on the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb. Red Bull has fittingly labelled Loeb the King of the Peak after his record-breaking 8:13.878 climb. To honour Loeb’s mighty achievement we’ve assembled over 25 2000px super images for you to savour.

Honda Motorsports

VIDEO: Helter Skelta at Pikes Peak

Jeff Denmeade, 2012 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb

It’s often said if you want a job done right you have to do it yourself. And after featuring not one, but two videos of home grown lads getting it all wrong at Pikes Peak we can thank Aussie Jeff Denmeade and his Honda powered Skelta for showing the locals how it’s done.

After the break there are two videos showing Denmeade and Catherine Hammond climb their way to the top of the demanding Pike Peak course. The first from inside the cabin, the latter from the roof of the Australian-built Skelta.

We have to tip our hats to Jeff and Catherine, too, not only for making the return trip to Colorado, but with a time of 11:19.722 they also managed to finish third in the Pikes Peak Open Class (23rd overall). A very tidy effort considering the rain and sleet they encountered as they neared the summit.

Thanks also go to long time AUSmotive reader Stu for bringing our attention to these videos. Stu now lives in the States and was actually in Colorado for the event. A multiple Targa Tasmania competitor, he included this note:

I know why people who are not from the area get there a week before to acclimatise. The bottom of the mountain is already 1600m above sea level and by the time we drove to the top we were feeling quite light headed. Even driving a hire car up at slow pace its quite unnerving as you just have these sheer drop offs!

[Thanks to Stu for the tip | Pic: Jason Odell]

Accessories & Tech Audi

Driverless Audi TTS conquers Pikes Peak

Autonomous Audi TTS

The propeller heads at Stanford University said they could do it. And now they have. “It”, of course, is the none too difficult task of sending a car up the daunting Pikes Peak International Hill Climb without a driver on board. Giving the motoring world a new term—drive-by-wireless—the autonomous Audi TTS managed to complete the 20 kilometre course without a hitch.

Unfortunately, there was a glitch of sorts when a helicopter tracking the Audi’s ascent crashed and the pilot ended up in hospital. Thankfully the pilot is now doing well and the story of the little TTS that could is being told.

There’s a couple of brief vids after the break to make you go, “Oh wow, how did they do that!”

[Source: engadget | Thanks to Tim for the tip]

Motorsports Suzuki

VIDEO: Monster Tajima climbs Pikes Peak

Monster Tajima

Falken Tyres have been kind enough to post video of Nobuhiro “Monster” Tajima’s assault at the 2010 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb. Tajima was at the wheel of a Suzuki SX4 and the little pocket rocket you see above has a massive 910 horsepower.

Tajima made the most of all that power, too, by winning the event for the fifth time in succession. Check out the clip in full after the break and keep an eye out for the spectators and sacrificial cones.

[Thanks to Richard for the tip]

Motorsports Porsche

Peak season

Pikes Peak Hill Climb - Jeff Zwart

You may be aware the annual Pikes Peak International Hill Climb was held last weekend. The outright winner was Nobuhiro Tajima in his Unlimited category Suzuki SX4. His time was 10:11.490; still noone has cracked the 10 minute barrier for the 20km course, which starts at 9,390 feet and ends at 14,110 feet.

Records were broken during last weekend’s action, though, and one of them was the qualifying time in the 2WD Time Attack class. It was set by Jeff Zwart in a Porsche 997 911 GT3 Cup car. Not happy with that, Zwart went on to knock a massive 38 seconds off the full race record for the class, as well.

The video of Zwart’s quali run is available after the break. It’s pure and has just the single camera angle from inside the cockpit. And while it might be missing the frantic beauty of the legendary Climb Dance, or even the cinematic heights of last year’s Peak Performance, it’s still a damn entertaining piece of footage. Turn your volume up to 11 and revel in the glorious noises from that Porsche drivetrain.

UPDATE: More info on Zwart’s record-breaking weekend can be read HERE.

[Thanks to Chris for the tip]