Formula 1 Red Bull Racing

Peter Windsor on Daniel Ricciardo

2014 Hungarian Grand Prix

If you’re still enjoying in the afterglow of Daniel Ricciardo’s win at the Hungarian Grand Prix then you probably won’t mind listening to Peter Windsor wax lyrical about the race. You can do that after the break, which includes a repeat of Windsor’s prediction that Daniel would/could win in Budapest.

Formula 1 News

USF1 bosses introduced on Speed TV

If you’re a fan of F1 you’ll have heard a bit about the impending USF1 outfit, which will be based in North Carolina. USF1 is aiming to take the grid in 2010. Speed TV recently introduced the two team principals, Ken Anderson and Peter Windsor.

Not too much is given away during this 5 minute interview, however, more details will be revealed on the USF1 website later today.

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Source: autoblog

UPDATE 26 Feb: More on the above interview can be seen at