
I’ve never seen “Le Mans”

Clip from

It’s hard to believe, perhaps, but I’ve never found the time to watch the legendary Steve McQueen film Le Mans. With Mark Webber’s latest career move now confirmed this is something I need to put right. Jonathan Moore from Speedhunters has whet my appetite with his intro to the film:

…Le Mans was brutally raw. McQueen’s main driver, Michael Delaney, says little during the entire film and nothing at all until 36 minutes in. Dialogue in general is scarce. He lets the cars do the talking.

The start scene is a case in point, and still sends shivers down my spine. You see the main cars: Porsche 917s, Ferrari 512s. You see the drivers and their preparations. McQueen almost caressing his steering wheel, officials unfurling flags, visors coming down… But you hear nothing. No sound at all.

Then as the clock ticks down you hear the staccato beat of a heart, increasing in tempo as 4pm approaches… Fingers flicker near starters, spectators crane forward for a better view… The heartbeat gets quicker, louder… And then the clock strikes 4pm, the flag drops and all hell is unleashed on track. It’s automotive perfection.

Watch this clip, then buy the film, sit back and revel in McQueen’s unbridled passion. It’s the kind of film that’s unlikely to ever be made again. Perhaps only Rush will come close?

So, I’m going to take his advice and address the flaws of my movie watching history. How about you, have you seen the film? Tell me about it in the comments section. And if you haven’t, join me in the quest to tick a box that should have been ticked many years ago!

Formula 1 News

“Senna” tickets on sale via Sydney Film Festival

Ayrton Senna

A quick shout out to Sydney readers to let you know you can now buy tickets online for the screening of Senna at the Sydney Film Festival on Sunday 19 June. Adult pricing is $17 and the movie will be screened at the State Theatre.

For those who cannot make it to this viewing, the general release of the film commences on 11 August, so you won’t have to wait too long.

[Source: Sydney Film Festival | Thanks to Ricky for the tip]

Aston Martin

Aston Martin Rapide film: part 3

Here is the thrilling conclusion to the Aston Martin Rapide marketing gimmick film. Without giving too much away, it turns out we end the film film where we started. Which begs the question, was it all worth it?

Formula 1 News

SENNA: The movie

Senna: The movie

A dedicated page for the upcoming movie SENNA has now been added to the Working Title Films website. Currently, it’s a basic setup but there is an intro from the writer of the film Manish Pandey. In part, he says, “At the age of 24, he exploded on to the Formula One scene, in the deluge of a street race in Monte Carlo, then spent the next decade as the sport’s brightest star, shattering records, living life on the very edge and fighting the off-track politics which kept him from what he most loved: ‘Pure racing.’”

Back in September we showed you the Japanese preview of the film. That preview was released because a version of the film was shown just before this year’s Japanese Grand Prix. If you have a subscription to autosport you can read Jon Noble’s excellent and inspiring review. Here’s a snippet:

“I confess, I’m in love once more. Formula 1 has pulled my heart strings like it hasn’t done for years. It’s like being a teenager all over again. For just under two hours in Japan earlier this week I was absolutely mesmerised by what I witnessed.

Sitting there transfixed, I experienced almost every emotion under the sun and was left mentally shattered by the end. From laughter and smiling at one moment, I went on a journey that pushed me through intense pride, excitement, fear and also sadness.”

SENNA will have its official world premiere in Brazil on 3 November. The film is expected to be screened elsewhere in the world by the middle of next year. AUSmotive has spoken with Universal Pictures to try and confirm a definite release date for the Australian market. The advice given was to check back in March/April of 2011. As soon as we have a firm date for local release we will let you know.

UPDATE 31 October: Another review for SENNA can be read over at F1 Fanatic. Make sure you read the comments from Manish Pandey.

Formula 1 News

Ayrton Senna movie preview

Ayrton Senna

A trailer for the upcoming Ayrton Senna movie has been posted to YouTube. You can see the clip after the jump. The movie is sure to be compelling viewing and, as in life, the movie about Senna will most likely polarise opinions, too. On talent alone Senna is clearly one of the best drivers we have ever seen. But he was a complex character. Was he hero or villain?

[Thanks to Micky for the tip]

Formula 1 News

Ayrton Senna – The movie

Ayrton Senna - The movie

It seems the quest to make a buck from the movie game has extended its reach to the life of Ayrton Senna. Late last year Senna was voted the best driver in the history of Formula One. It was no mug punter poll, either; voting was only open to current and ex-F1 pilots.

So, I guess, if a movie/feature length documentary need be made of an F1 driver Senna may as well be it. The company behind the flick is Working Title, they’ve some solid film making behind them, so from that point of view, at least, Senna’s story is in good hands.

Importantly, the movie has the support of the Senna family. Key F1 heavyweights such as Bernie Eccelstone, Ron Dennis and Sir Frank Williams have also supported the film. All solid signs, then.

James Allen has seen a pre-release cut of the film and has given the production a big wrap, “It is an absolutely fantastic film and I’m sure that not only are F1 fans going to be blown away by it, but it will cross-over into the mainstream with many non F1 fans, especially women, drawn to the poignant human interest story at the heart of it.”

Public release of the film is due in a few months.

[Source: James Allen on F1]

Top Gear

Top Gear movie – Around the world in 80 cars?

Top Gear world tour

As most readers will know Top Gear recently embarked on its latest world tour with their Live show. But, if the Mail Online is to be believed Top Gear will soon be setting off another global challenge. This time, though, it won’t be broadcast on your television screens. No, apparently, Top Gear have plans to make a full length feature film. The flick has already been anointed with the working title of “Around the world in 80 cars”.

The premise of the movie challenge will see Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May circumnavigate the globe in the cheapest and most unreliable cars available.

A Top Gear source has been quoted as saying, “Jeremy and the boys have become increasingly involved in outrageous stunts – but this will be their toughest. Driving around the world in different clapped-out cars will be no mean feat and should make the perfect road movie.”

In a move sure to raise the ire of recent critic Jeremy Bass, the source continued, “A feature-length film of the boys’ adventures is something that can be released in cinemas all over the world. It will also be a guaranteed big-seller on DVD when it is released, and that is a growing market.”

Given Jeremy Clarkson’s role in Love the beast, one wonders if the Top Gear leading man was inspired by Eric Bana’s foray into feature length car movie making.

Whether this rumour proves true or not may be another thing altogether. Filming a movie-length challenge that takes in numerous continents will place huge time demands on the stars and crew. Can they find the time? And, more importantly, can they make it work?

UPDATE 11 January: It appears as though the Top Gear movie plans may have been the fantasy of a Daily Mail reporter. At least, that’s what the chaps at Final Gear are speculating. The link below is now dead, so it may be safe to assume the worldwide special plans are now bunk.

[Source: Mail Online]

Ford News

Eric Bana’s “Love the Beast” – Sydney premiere

Eric Bana’s feature length movie about his first car Love the Beast is due in cinemas on 12 March. Sydney residents, however, have the opportunity to see the movie next Thursday 26 February with a special screening at the Hayden Orpheum in Cremorne. This session will include a live presentation from Eric Bana, as well. Tickets are $20 and are now on sale through MCA-TIX.

You can see a preview of the flick above. For more information, check out the movie’s official website or YouTube channel.

(Thanks to Shaun for the tip.)