Green Machines MINI

EXCLUSIVE: MINI E Race – the complete Nürburgring lap

MINI E Race @ Nurburgring Nordschleife

Back in April it was announced a specially prepared MINI E Race had lapped the Nürburgring in under 10 minutes. In this age of Porsche v Nissan lap wars sub-10 minute laps times are nothing too special. But, when you consider that the MINI E used to post this lap did so under full electric power, with zero emissions, then the achievement begins to take on a new perspective. That’s because it was a world first.

At the time a brief video was released to YouTube. It was great to see the MINI in action and all, but it was a highlights reel than ran for around 90 seconds and there is an audio track over the top of the raw footage. You want to see the full lap, right?

Through graft and persistence AUSmotive can now show you the entire 9 minute 51 second lap. The footage is unedited and there is no extra audio.

A few things stand out. Firstly, just how foggy the conditions were when this time was recorded. Visibility in some sections was severely compromised. It was a closed track, of course, but that didn’t make things that much easier for the driver Thomas Jäger.

You will also notice the lack of engine noise, of course. It’s not totally quiet and there are some whining sounds emanating from the drivetrain. Under braking, too, you can hear the MINI E whirring away. Apart from that, though, the only other noise you hear is the growl of the semi slick tyres from time to time.

While watching the lap you can see the timer mounted at the base of the speedometer so as to keep an eye on progress. Incidentally, when the speedo needle is pointing upright the car is doing 130km/h. Top speed on the Döttinger Hohe straight was 187km/h.

Take the jump now to watch the world’s first zero emission lap of the full Nürburgring Nordschleife. For more on the MINI E Race click HERE.


Electric powered MINI charges up sales charts

MINI E - The electric, zero emissions MINI

The lithium-ion powered MINI E is proving to be a sales hit. The sparky MINI is only available in the US, and then only in three states (California, New York and New Jersey). However, lessors have been racing to sign up for the US$850 per month payments. During this initial pilot program there will be 250 cars offered in California and 250 split between New York and New Jersey. “Owners” sign up for a 12 month lease, with the possibility of an extension. Although, demand is believed to be four times what MINI can satisfy, so perhaps lease extensions may not be as simple as first thought.

The MINI E only has two seats, but the excitement it is creating in the market has not deterred eager customers. Speaking to Mario Soto, a 45-year-old graphic designer and father of three, said “I’ve got to take my kids to school, so the car makes no sense for me from a practical point of view. But I kinda want to be part of this.”

The MINI E has shown the go-kart philosophy of the MINI brand extends into the green market. Josh Lewis, from, who test-drove the MINI E last November said, “I’m all about saving the world, one car at a time if necessary. But I want to have a good time in my car. That’s exactly what the MINI E gives me.”

The up front costs of the MINI E is quite a lot more than a petrol powered MINI, which can be leased for just US$250 per month, however, the cost of the electricity needed to power the car could be as much as 40% less, based on current fuel prices.

Source: via MotoringFile

Green Machines MINI

You and the MINI E – together in electric dreams

MINI E - The electric, zero emissions MINI

An electric MINI—with 150kW—pretty cool hey! Welcome to the MINI E, a lithium-ion battery powered zero emissions MINI with a top speed of 152km/h (limited). The car is capable of reaching 100km/h in 8.5 seconds, although repeated efforts will no doubt affect the car’s 240 kilometre range. The MINI E’s peak power is 22kW higher than a petrol powered Cooper S and the torque figure, too, is impressive at 220Nm—although slightly less than the Cooper S number of 240Nm (one may expect an electric powered car would have more torque than that?). Further comparison to the Cooper S shows that the petrol car is 1.4 seconds quicker in the 0-100 dash, however, battery power is not light and that explains the slower time for the MINI E. Tipping the scales at 1465kg the MINI E is some 260kg heavier than a standard Cooper S.

MINI will launch the MINI E as a 500-car pilot program available to private customers in three US states—California, New York and New Jersey. Customers will liaise with MINI giving reports on the car’s performance. Like the hydrogen powered Honda FCX Clarity, the MINI E will only be available on a lease and MINI will be restricting the lease period to 12 months, although an extension option will be available. Lease repayments will cover all maintenance costs, of course, the cost of recharging the car will be the owner’s responsibility. Recharging the car can be done using regular power sockets. Use of a specially designed wallbox, that allows higher amperage, can see the MINI E recharged from empty to full in just two and half hours. Every MINI E will be supplied with a wallbox, intended to be installed by MINI into owner’s garages.

There is a price to pay for your zero emissions lifestyle, and in the MINI E, that is the back seat. So this climate friendly commuter can only carry two people, and you could probably squeeze your dog in the boot. The electric motor is in the traditional position under the bonnet, with the battery in the back seats. The Dynamic Stability Control system and suspension have been tuned to suit the unique characteristics of the battery powered MINI. By using the motor as a generator the bulk of the car’s braking can be done by simply lifting off the accelerator pedal (quaintly referred to as the “gas pedal” in MINI’s press release).

The MINI E presents a great test bed for all electric powered cars. Sure, there are some compromises, but the 500 strong fleet should enable BMW to collect some fascinating and valuable data to aid their future development of battery powered technology.

MINI’s full release along with more images can be seen after the jump.