Formula 1 Motorsports

Max Mosley to remain FIA President

In stunning news just to hand Max Mosley has won a vote of confidence and will remain in his role as FIA President. The vote, called by Mosley himself, returned over 60% of the count in favour of the embattled motorsport supremo, winning 103 of the 169 votes.

Mosley’s controversial grip on the FIA has been under question since news broke of his involvement in a ‘Nazi-style sex orgy’ in late March. The automotive federations of Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Spain and the USA all voted against Mosley. This follows public condemnation of the 68-year-old’s behaviour from prominent Formula 1 manufacturers such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota and Honda. Even Formula 1’s main man, Bernie Ecclestone, has pleaded that Mosley step down. “He should go out of responsibility for the institution he represents,” Ecclestone told the Daily Telegraph.

Eddie Jordan, former Formula 1 team boss, has expressed concerns over Mosley’s ongoing tenure, “there are a lot of countries where F1 goes and lots of the rulers of those countries don’t want to deal with him. That is clearly not acceptable. My hope is that he will listen to the comments and then go.”

There are also suggestions from BBC journalist Adam Parsons that the FIA could face a damaging split, “he won by a clear majority, but among those who opposed him there is overt anger and resentment. The US, German and Dutch raised the spectre of breaking away from the FIA in protest is an unprecedented threat.

“Today the FIA is an organisation in crisis, facing the prospect of being ripped apart.”

Source: BBC


FIA appoints barrister to examine Max Mosley case

The FIA have recently appointed Anthony Scrivener QC to undertake an independent review of the News of the World’s allegations that Max Mosley was involved in a Nazi-style sex romp. Since the allegations came to light Mosley has been under increasing pressure to stand down as FIA President, with many claiming his reign is now untenable. Several F1 teams have issued public statements declaring they have lost support in Mosley continuing at the head of the FIA. As with most things in Formula 1 these days, the appointment of Anthony Scrivener has attracted fierce debate, with many F1 insiders believing he would not be the independent investigator the FIA claim. One F1 source left their opinion perfectly clear by stating, “Everything is an inside job under Max’s rule.”

At the completion of Scrivener’s report it will be issued to all voting members of the FIA who will determine Mosley’s fate by secret ballot. It has been reported that this ballot will take place in early June.

Source: TimesOnline 

Formula 1 Motorsports

Max Mosley’s orgy torture continues

The continuing Max Mosley orgy saga shows no signs of letting up. Several Formula 1 manufacturers have issued official statements condemning Mosley’s sexcapades, while the Crown Prince of Bahrain has personally written to the F1 supremo telling him “I feel that under the current circumstances, it would be inappropriate for you to be in Bahrain at this time.” This statement, powerfully issued just days before the Bahrain Grand Prix, leaves Mosley in a virtually untenable position.

Further adding to his woes are the revelations that BMW and Mercedes-Benz have issued a joint statement asking the FIA for a response to their President’s “disgraceful” actions. Toyota went further by stating “Toyota Motorsport does not approve of any behaviour which could be seen to damage Formula 1’s image, in particular any behaviour which could be understood to be racist or anti-Semitic.”

Honda also hit out at the embarrassed and embattled Mosley in their statement, which read, “The Honda Racing F1 Team is extremely disappointed by recent events surrounding Mr Mosley and we are concerned that the reputation of Formula One and all its participants is being damaged. We request that the FIA gives this matter careful consideration and reaches an immediate decision in the best interests of F1 and motorsport.”

Mosley has taken legal action against News of the World—which broke the story last Sunday—and has claimed any Nazi connotations as being “entirely false”.

Source: BBC, TimesOnline

Update: FIA to hold Mosley crisis meeting, BBC

Formula 1 Motorsports

Max Mosley exposed in Nazi-style sex orgy

In news surely set to rock the FIA to its foundations, several media outlets are reporting that FIA President Max Mosley has been captured role playing in Nazi-style sex orgies. The 67 year old former Oxford scholar’s extra curricular activities have been exposed by UK newspaper News of the World and reveal the F1 supremo was apparently whipped into a frenzy by as many as five prostitutes while allegedly screaming orders in German. It looks like a nasty sordid affair that will become either a minefield of legal briefs or bring a terribly indecent ending to Mosley’s power over Formula 1.

The News of the World expose includes secretly captured photographs and video filmed last Friday, forming a damning case for Mosley. I bet he hopes news of his long lost twin brother will be the next news item to shock the world of motorsport. Oh dear. Unsurprisingly, news reports are calling for Mosley’s resignation.

Source: The Age, Australia and News of the World, UK

Update: Bernie stands by sex-claim Mosley, Daily Mail, UK