Audi Motorsports

Do a skid!

Audi DTM donuts

Doing burnouts on public roads is bad, m’kay. Just ask Lewis Hamilton. But burning a bit of rubber on a street that is blocked off and surrounded by advertising hoardings is just fine and dandy. Good thing, then, that a couple of the Audi DTM pilots obliged at last weekend’s 2010 season launch in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Timo Scheider, Oliver Jarvis and Mattias Ekström are the guys behind the wheel and you can check out their handiwork after the break.

[Source: quattroholic]

News Video

Race of Champions

The 2008 Race of Champions is being held at Wembley Stadium this weekend. To help get you in the mood, here is a clip of last year’s final, featuring Germany’s Michael Schumacher (you may have heard of him) and Sweden’s Mattias Ekström. Finally something that Schumacher didn’t win!

For more info on the 2008 happenings, check out the official Race of Champions website. If you’re not familiar with the concept, the event takes a bunch of the world’s best drivers/riders from across the major motorspot disciplines and pits them against each other in equal machinery.

This event will also be Lewis Hamilton’s first public official McLaren appearance since winning the F1 world title. To celebrate he’ll be giving his F1 car a few beans around the track, as well as racing Olympic cycling Gold medallist Chris Hoy.

Canberra’s own Mark Webber was scheduled to take part in this event, but when the Queanbeyan driver broke his leg, he had to withdraw.