Reviews Top Gear Top Gear Australia

Top Gear LIVE – A review

Top Gear LIVE - Sydney

Top Gear LIVE has now left Australian shores. Like many of the cars on show it was a whirlwind affair filled with action. That is a given, but was it actually any good? It was entertaining. Certainly. But I’m not so sure it was everything it could be.

The “show” kicked off with a series of live ads. Some were okay, some were woeful. In fact, the best ad of the night was the one celebrating the 25th anniversary of Virgin Atlantic which was playing on a video loop before the show began.

The show itself was hosted by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and, from Top Gear Australia, Steve Pizzati. Jeremy and Richard entered the arena in a Lamborghini Gallardo and an Audi R8. A pretty impressive showing, and at some speed, given the indoor arena. Steve Pizzati followed suit shortly after, predictably, in a Holden ute. Surprisingly, the banter between the three worked quite well. Or at least, better than I expected. I was at the 5pm Saturday session, so the guys had a few shows behind them by this point.

We were told James May couldn’t make it because he got stuck at Oxford Street. An edited photo showing him at the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras was put up on the big screen. That would have been okay if the gay jokes stopped there. But they didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a cheap joke like anyone else, but they went overboard on the homo jokes. Way overboard.

The first segment was a stunt driving team powered by Alfa Romeo 147s. There were four cars in total and the stunts performed in such a tight space were extraordinary. A great opening to the show, it must be said.

Like the TV show, there was a challenge for the presenters to take. Who could win a race in the smallest car they could build. Steve had a suitcase that folded out into a car. Hammond had a tricycle driven by power tools and Jeremy got around in a jet powered version of himself. You’ll never guess who won. Of course, it was Clarkson. The predictable humiliation for the losers followed. This included Steve Pizzati being asked to have a motorbike bounce on his arse. In terms of comedy value, it was one step away from Fatty Vautin in drag.

Top Gear

On that bombshell

Top Gear LIVE in Sydney 5-8 February

A quick reminder that Top Gear LIVE makes it Australian premiere this Thursday. Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond will be headlining the show. Its a bit of a shame that James May can’t make it, though.

The Australian season runs from 5-8 February, with all shows taking place at Sydney’s Acer Arena. Also, another reminder that the news conference with Jeremy and Richard discussing their world tour, posted back in November is still online, click here if you’d like to watch it.

There’s a bit of banter about the show on as well.

I’ll be there (thanks Mum), maybe I’ll see you there too.

Motorsports News

A1GP dashboard – live telemetry in your lounge room

A1GP Dashboard - live telemetry

A1GP’s new ‘Dashboard’ feature is set to bring a new dimension to following motorsport. ‘Dashboard’ will be accessible via during pratice and race sessions. It allows users to select any car on track and follow its progress via a live telemetry feed (see example above).

Live timing on the internet is nothing new, but user defined access to live telemetry is. And it promises to be very cool. The feature has already been trialled during last year’s round at Malaysia, with plenty of positive feedback from A1GP Fanzone members, despite some initial teething problems.

Pete da Silva, CEO of A1GP World Cup of Motorsport, said: “This is an excellent new feature which fans of international motor racing have never been able to access before. We are sure it will make watching our races on TV even more exciting, giving an added dimension to following the action of a race for every fan. It also adds to our impressive profile of free online content on, including our live video streaming, highlights videos, live positioning timing as well as our exclusive columns and news.”

You can try it out for yourself next weekend during the New Zealand round (23-25 January). Full details listed below.

News Top Gear

Clarkson and Hammond talk Top Gear LIVE!

Top Gear LIVE - Jeremy Clarkson

In case you’ve missed it Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond are bringing Top Gear LIVE to Australia as part of their world tour. The lads will be in Sydney in early 2009 performing several shows at Sydney’s Acer Arena over the dates 5-8 February.

New Zealand’s 3news has video of a press conference with Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond talking about their LIVE experience and the tour ahead, including a few tidbits about coming to Australia. Click HERE to watch the clip (thanks to Tim for the link).