Ford Video

VIDEO: Ken Block ‘Gymkhana Six GoPro Edition’

Ken Block Gymkhana 6 GoPro Edition

In November last year we got the latest installment of the Ken Block Gymkhana franchise. Now we’re being given another look at Gymkhana 6 through the eyes of GoPro cameras. And not just one camera, but dozens of the damn things.

There must have been 10 or more fitted to Block’s Ford Fiesta alone, and it would be too hard to calculate how many were capturing the action around the course.

It all adds up to another entertaining spin around the Block.

Ford News

Ken Block’s Gymkhana Six to debut on 11 November

Ken Block Gymkhana Six

Ken Block is back with the sixth installment of his Gymkhana series. Well he will be next week, right now he’s just going around in circles with excitement in anticipation of his latest viral internet sensation advertising feature. But, like the suckers we are we’ll lap it up for the cheap entertainment thrills it provides. You go, Ken!