
Another look at Robbie Maddison’s Corinth Canal jump

Robbie Maddison

Last week Robbie Maddison jumped “the most dangerous” stunt of his career when he jumped across the Corinth Canal in Greece. You can relive the stunt in a new video below, which includes some behind the scenes footage with Maddison.

For the statisticians Robbie’s jump was 85m (278ft) across and at his highest point Maddison was almost 100m above the water below. And he made it look so easy!


Robbie Maddison jumps Corinth Canal

Robbie Maddison jumps Corinth Canal

Australia’s Robbie Maddison has added another stunt to his impressive list by jumping the Corinth Canal in Greece. At the peak of his jump Maddison was almost 100 meters from the water below and the leap spanned roughly 90 metres. You can see footage of the leap after the break. There is also a brief interview available with Robbie from this morning’s Sunrise program.

In July last year Maddison backflipped over the Tower Bridge in London and he has performed many other stunts around the world, including Las Vegas and Melbourne.

[via ESPN | Pic: Predrag Vuckovic, Jörg Mitter, Stefan Aufschnaiter]