
Audi A1 promo refresher – part 1

Audi A1 - The next big thing

Late last year Audi started to build the hype for it’s upcoming A1 model. They even recruited Justin Timberlake to be the car’s brand ambassador. He repaid that faith by allowing the paparazzi to snap some undisguised pics of the A1.

This is a car that Audi says will be the first premium model in the compact car segment. You might think BMW’s 1 Series could lay claim to that title, but it is more of an Audi A3 rival, in what would now be called the small-medium car segment.

Since launching their A1 microsite Audi have been drip feeding promo pics and videos in the lead up to the car’s official premiere at the Geneva Motor Show in early March. If you’ve missed them, here’s the first of a two part update that will bring you back up to speed.

In this update you will see a few Audi big wigs setting the scene for the A1. They explain what it will look like and why it is being made. You’ll also find out about the LED headlight technology filtering down from the R8, before seeing more info on the car’s exterior design.

Stay tuned for more on Audi’s “next big thing”.


Senate passes Luxury Car Tax at second attempt

At the second attempt, the Federal Government had its controversial Luxury Car Tax (LCT) bill rubber stamped by the Senate late last night. For vehicles costing more than $57,180 the LCT will now increase from 25% to 33%. After failing at the first attempt to have the bill passed at the start of the month, and without an outright majority in the upper house, the Government agreed to some compromises as set out by the Greens and Family First, exempting some fuel efficient cars and offering a refund system for eligible farmers and tourist operators. A last gasp attempt by the opposition to have the 33% threshold raised to $90,000 did not get through. Under the coalition plan cars between $57,180-90,000 would remain taxed at the current 25%.

Under the Greens amendments cars costing less than $75,000 with a fuel consumption figure under 7l/100km will be exempt from the new LCT. Greens Senator Christine Milne says she is pleased the Government is willing to compromise, “This is the first time I have known of where a Government has actually been prepared to look at a tax as anything other than revenue raising and actually drive a behavioural outcome, particularly in relation to the environment.”

Chris Evans, leader of the Government in the Senate, was circumspect when commenting on the changes, “We didn’t get everything we wanted but we got the majority of the bill intact. I think the point to make here is this was the first bill which people had to come to terms with in this way and we were all learning, and I think it will be easier to make progress in the future.”

Source: ABC Online &