Audi Video

Audi releases new teutonic teaser

Audi TT

Der neue Audi TT is only days away from being revealed to the world. Audi Germany has published a short teaser to YouTube which almost shows us the whole car.

It will be the third-generation of TT, a model which since its launch in 1998 has, aesthetically at least, won a strong following. The new model will be built on the MQB platform and should be the best handling and performing TT we’ve seen.

Porsche Video

VIDEO: Porsche 918 Spyder with Weissach package

Porsche 918 Weissach

Since the McLaren P1 has been tarting itself on the media circuit it’s easy to forget how good the Porsche 918 Spyder is. With the optional Weissach package the 918 is even better. In this clip Porsche gives us a quick rundown of the benefits included in the Weissach pack.

MINI Video

VIDEO: MINI Clubman Concept

Here’s a couple of videos from BMW showcasing the MINI Clubman Concept. They may not the most exciting clips you’ve ever seen, but if you take the time to appreciate them we’re pretty sure you’ll agree the details and overall look of the Clubman Concept are pretty cool. This is MINI in fine form and we only wish we were in Geneva to see the concept with our own eyes.

McLaren Video

VIDEO: Harris and Goodwin talk McLaren P1

Chris Harris and Chris Goodwin talk about the McLaren P1

The start of last week’s Drive video on the McLaren P1 began with Chris Harris chatting casually about the car with Chris Godwin. Sure there were no smoking tyres or screaming V8 sounds, but it was still just as entertaining.

This week Drive has given us another 28 minutes of P1, this time it’s just Harris and Goodwin waxing lyrical. It’s great stuff and if nothing else it’s worth it just to revisit the genesis of the term “torque fill”.

MINI Toyota Video

VIDEO: Episode 4 of Project Binky

Project Binky

Richard and Nik are back with the latest update on Project Binky. Without giving anything away they’ve made made great progress and are in fine form.

We like this bit of text from the YouTube description:

“It finally dawns on us that it just might be possible to get the 3SGTE engine in the car and the project might just work!”

Our question, had we been organised enough to ask it in time for the Q&A session, would have been: “Did you spend any time making sure these two cars could actually fit together before you started, or are you really just working it out as you go along?”

That statement above kind of answers our question, we think, and scares us a little at the same time!

The best news is the view counts for all Project Binky episodes have really increased in the last month or so and these guys are finally getting some of the credit and attention they deserve.

Crack on lads!

McLaren Video

VIDEO: Chris Harris has a go in the McLaren P1

McLaren P1

Chris Harris is the latest to be given some seat time in the McLaren P1. And we’re very thankful for that, too.

The clip goes for over 28 minutes and the serious business of driving fast doesn’t start until the end of the video. At the start, though, Harris and McLaren’s Chris Goodwin discuss some of the P1’s finer details. It’s much better taking in this conversation rather than poring over a press release.

Driving action begins on the streets of Abu Dhabi and it’s something of a novelty seeing the P1 mix it with Corollas and Land Cruisers. On track the action is as you’d expect. Plenty of sideways, plenty of speed and plenty of superlatives.

That said, we think Harris has described the sensation and enjoyment of driving the latest übercar better in the past than he has managed to do in the P1. Likewise, we were a little disappointed with Steve Sutcliffe’s summation of the P1.

Is there a pattern emerging here? Is the P1 so gobsmackingly out of this world that mere mortals are unable to describe the experience in a manner that gives the audience a reasonable representation of what just happened?

However, we are becoming more certain of one thing. In this world of five-second attention spans where the latest and greatest object of desire barely has the opportunity to create a legacy before it is thrown away, we worry that the greatness of the P1 won’t be given the merit it deserves.

Audi Video

A look inside Audi Sport’s storage facility

Inside Audi's storage facility

Last month Chris Harris gave us a brief history of Audi’s quattro legacy. Drive continues its Inside Quattro series with JF Musial taking a visit to Audi Sport’s storage facility which is not accessible to the public. This video is the result.

Formula 1 Video

Transforming Albert Park into an F1 circuit

Australian Grand Prix teaser

The official YouTube channel for the Australian Grand Prix has released this teaser video showing some of the stats involved when transforming Albert Park from tranquil green open spaces into an FIA approved Formula 1 circuit.

Aston Martin Mercedes-Benz Porsche Video

Can anything stop the GT3 winning this test?

Drive 911 GT3 v V12 Vantage S v C63 AMG Black

The Porsche 911 GT3, it’s the it car of every moment. It’s a Porsche, so you know it’ll be well built with the driver in mind more than anything else. It’s a 911, so you know it’s got a heritage other cars only dream of. And it’s a GT3, so you know it’s going to be one of the best 911s of its generation.

Can anything touch it? Chris Harris took an Aston Martin V12 Vantage S and a Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Black Series—both highly desirable cars in their own right—for a drive in the countryside to find out.

Audi Video WRC

Paying our respects to the first Audi S1

Audi UR quattro

We acknowledge that some people will be cut up that Audi is bestowing the legendary S1 badge on a pissy four cylinder hatchback. And while we do side with Audi on this one—as one of life’s great philosophers once said, “You can’t stop progress”—we hope these videos of “The S1” absolutely smashing it will appease those who aren’t happy with Audi’s decision.

It’s wishful thinking, of course, but let’s just pretend for a moment that Audi has been crazy enough to ensure the new S1 has the turbo whistle form the old car.

Driving holidays Jaguar Video

VIDEO: The road best travelled

Transalpina Pass, Romania

Henry Catchpole from Evo took a Jaguar F-Type V8 to Romania in search of the country’s best driving road. Well, actually, he’s looking for the world’s best driving road, but it will make more sense after you’ve watched the clip. You might think you know how this ends, but you probably don’t.

This is a really well made film that we expect you will enjoy quite a lot.

Bathurst 12 Hour Ferrari McLaren Mercedes-Benz Video

VIDEO: 2014 Bathurst 12 Minute race

2014 Bathurst 12 Hour race

In the end the 2014 Bathurst 12 Hour race became a 12 minute sprint race. It was a battle in two; fourth chasing third and second chasing first. If you missed the action yesterday or just want to relive those final moments of madness the final 12 minutes are all yours after the break.