Top Gear

Top Gear movie – Around the world in 80 cars?

Top Gear world tour

As most readers will know Top Gear recently embarked on its latest world tour with their Live show. But, if the Mail Online is to be believed Top Gear will soon be setting off another global challenge. This time, though, it won’t be broadcast on your television screens. No, apparently, Top Gear have plans to make a full length feature film. The flick has already been anointed with the working title of “Around the world in 80 cars”.

The premise of the movie challenge will see Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May circumnavigate the globe in the cheapest and most unreliable cars available.

A Top Gear source has been quoted as saying, “Jeremy and the boys have become increasingly involved in outrageous stunts – but this will be their toughest. Driving around the world in different clapped-out cars will be no mean feat and should make the perfect road movie.”

In a move sure to raise the ire of recent critic Jeremy Bass, the source continued, “A feature-length film of the boys’ adventures is something that can be released in cinemas all over the world. It will also be a guaranteed big-seller on DVD when it is released, and that is a growing market.”

Given Jeremy Clarkson’s role in Love the beast, one wonders if the Top Gear leading man was inspired by Eric Bana’s foray into feature length car movie making.

Whether this rumour proves true or not may be another thing altogether. Filming a movie-length challenge that takes in numerous continents will place huge time demands on the stars and crew. Can they find the time? And, more importantly, can they make it work?

UPDATE 11 January: It appears as though the Top Gear movie plans may have been the fantasy of a Daily Mail reporter. At least, that’s what the chaps at Final Gear are speculating. The link below is now dead, so it may be safe to assume the worldwide special plans are now bunk.

[Source: Mail Online]

Top Gear

Top Gear enters Season 15 with “decade’s greatest” title

Top Gear - Bolivia special

UPDATE 7 June: The boys will be back on UK screens from 27 June.

Top Gear, fresh off the back of its fourteenth season, has just been named the “Greatest TV Show of the Noughties”. This news is the culmination of a poll run by Channel 4 in the UK, the results of which will air on British television screens next week.

Richard Hammond, one of Top Gear‘s star trio, said, “I could never say what the reason is for Top Gear doing so well since we started it, but I think there’s always a sense that we’d still be doing it even if the cameras weren’t here and that makes it real.”

Of course, BBC2 first broadcast the original format of Top Gear back in the late 1970s. However, while it enjoyed a stellar run of some 24 years, at the start of the 2000s the show was cancelled. This paved the way for the emergence of Fifth Gear on Channel Five. But it wasn’t long until the BBC relaunched Top Gear with the current format running since 2002.

Series 14 has attracted some criticism and the program’s long time Executive Producer, Andy Wilman, felt the need defend the show’s direction posting comments on the Top Gear website.

Going into Series 15, then, Top Gear faces its toughest test in some time. Will the baggage of the decade’s greatest title add to the burden of recent criticism, or will it spur the production team on to bigger and better things? While I do think Top Gear will finish before it makes a twentieth season, I do expect that Season 15 will rectify some of the wrongs committed in recent series. Wilman and his trusty trio of Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May are no mugs, they will put things right.

We shall find out later this year when Season 15 goes to air. If it wasn’t for the 2010 FIFA World Cup I would nominate 19 June as the premiere date, however, the football may mean an early start in May with a hiatus before recommencing in July. This is what BBC did with Season 8 so as to avoid clashing with Germany 2006.

[Source: The Press Association]

Top Gear

Shark attack!

Top Gear live

A new Top Gear Live world tour is about to dock in Australia and Jeremy Bass, for one, is not looking forward to its arrival and has accused the format of jumping the shark.

In a preview of the tour for the Sydney Morning Herald Bass starts, “This year, one of television’s best-loved institutions will acknowledge itself as one of television’s best loved institutions and proceed to crush itself under the weight of its own self-regard.”

Acknowledging the success of BBC TV’s television jewel Bass claims the gold mining on the back of such strong ratings is a sign Top Gear is falling from it’s zenith, “There, perhaps, lies the threshold at which great stuff like Top Gear first tips its nose downward: the moment they replace audiences with ”fans”. Once that happens, it’s fait accompli things will climax, and go limp. All that’s left is shark-jumping.”

Pushing the point further, Jeremy Bass said, “A motoring program that turns into an all-singing, all-dancing live arena show is clearly approaching the peak of its torque curve. Where to from there?”

Certainly the 2009 world tour didn’t reach the expected highs, as the AUSmotive review reported, so perhaps Bass does have a point. After attending last year’s show, I know I’m in no rush to go out and buy tickets. How about you, are you planning on going to Top Gear Live when it comes to Sydney in February?

[Source: Sydney Morning Herald | Thanks to Mick for the tip]

Top Gear

Top Gear (Boxing) Day

Top Gear - Season 12

A quick reminder to AUSmotive readers with access to Foxtel that BBC Knowledge will be celebrating Boxing Day with almost 12 hours of Top Gear. This will include all eight episodes from Season 12, which ends with the Vietnam special. If this sounds like fun for all the family, then check the online schedule now, the special starts at 11:30am on Saturday.

Top Gear

I don’t know much about art, but I know what I like

Top Gear 14x05

Internet criticism has led to Top Gear‘s Executive Producer, Andy Wilman, to write an article defending the show. In line with the old adage about criticising art it would seem many an internet fan doesn’t know much about producing a television show, but they know what they like. And, according the the masses, they don’t like Season 14 of Top Gear which is more than half way through its current run.

Wilman admits that the crew has been up against it this series, “Personally I’ll be glad to see the back of it. We’ve done some good stuff this series, but we were too rushed and too knackered to get everything right.”

He also understands that they may have pigeon-holed the three presenters too tightly, “I do believe we’ve now got the presenters playing to their TV cartoon characters a bit too much – Jezza the walking nuclear bomb, Richard the daft Norman Wisdom, and James the bumbling professor.”

But Wilman also explains that the show’s philosophy is to never die wondering if a new idea will work, “it is just us pushing in a different direction, because we’re still very much obsessed, as a team, about attempting new things with cars on TV.”

At the end of Season 13 there was much talk that it marked the end of the road for Top Gear. While that turned out to be more internet scuttlebutt, Wilman does reveal the end of the show will happen sooner, rather than later, “It’s fair to say this incarnation of Top Gear is nearer the end than the beginning, and our job is to land this plane with its dignity still intact.”

If you’re a fan of the show and haven’t already seen Wilman’s blog, take the time to follow the link below, it’s a very worthwhile read.

[Source: TopGear]

Top Gear

The hard case

Guy Ritchie - SIARPC

Don’t look now, but Guy Ritchie is heading straight at you, seemingly out of control. Well, according to the Mirror, that was the common theme among the Top Gear camera crew this week as the movie man went through an impressive four cars during his appearance on the leading motoring program.

A fan who attended the taping of the show explains that Ritchie, featuring in the Star In A Reasonably Priced Car segment, was unable to handle the wet conditions and showed a hunger for trashing Chevrolet Lacettis.

“Guy chose a really tough day to try to set a fast lap,” said the fan, “He told the show’s presenters it was a wet track and he had ended up breaking four cars over the course of the day, including destroying one of the gearboxes.”

Trivia buffs of the show will be interested to know that there were four cars on hand. To the best of my knowledge it has only ever been mentioned that one back up car exists.

UK viewers will be able to see Ritchie’s shenanagins in the fourth episode of the current series, which airs on UK screen in just a few hours.


Top Gear

Top Gear – Series 14 teasers

Mercedes-Benz SLS

Now that Episode 1 of Top Gear‘s fourteenth season is locked away in the vault, Andy Wilman has given a preview of what is in store for the rest of the series.

Wilman has given brief outlines of the six remaining episodes and it looks like there might be a week off, with the final ep for the season to air in January next year.

Obviously the Mercedes-Benz SLS in the image above is a bit of a giveaway, but if you’d prefer to keep the rest a secret, then don’t follow the jump.

Top Gear

Happy Top Gear Day

Eric Bana

As you will most likely be aware Series 14 of Top Gear premieres on UK screens tonight. Kicking the season off is an appearance by Australia’s own Eric Bana. According to Top Gear’s Transmission blog Eric was a popular guest, “You can always tell the really sound people amongst TG guests by how much they hang around after their interview.

“Suffice to say that the Top Gear team thinks Bana is a bloody good bloke because he was there until the end, watching the rest of the show and then enjoying some of the aftershow Terrible Buffet in the production office.

“In fact, he was still there talking diffs, carbs and the higher language of muscle cars with Hammond when most people were making their excuses and leaving.”

Without giving too much away the first episode will also include the film shot on the Transfagarasan road in Romania. Set to be a classic clip, for sure, the lads take on the road’s seemingly never ending corners in a Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder, an Aston Martin DBS Volante and a Ferrari California. With plenty of tunnels on this route, there’s certain to be some supreme aural delights, as well.

Season 14 of Top Gear is the first to be broadcast in high definition. That means we can expect the show’s brilliant production standards to be showcased at an even higher level.

If my memory serves, this series will be an seven episode run with the final episode likely to air on 27 December. For more of a teaser of what is to come this series, check out this previous AUSmotive post.

[Pic: Eric Bana Online]

Top Gear

I don’t want to grow up

Top Gear - Series 14 teaser

In a little over one week from now Season 14 of Top Gear will be going to air. Like last series, some jammy kids are telling us all about it.

You know the drill, you can see the teaser after the break.

[via FinalGear]

Top Gear

Top Gear track record broken (unofficially)

Ultima GTR720 at Dunsfold Park

Boutique British sportscar manufacturer Ultima Sports Ltd have smashed the track record at the Dunsfold Park track used by Top Gear.

Continually bemused that the show won’t allow their Ultima GTR720 to be tested by The Stig because of the “must be able to drive over a speed bump rule” the chaps from Ultima have taken matters into their own hands.

At the first available opportunity they hired the Top Gear track and drove the GTR720 from their factory to prove their “road legal” point. On arrival they knocked off an impressive 0.8 seconds from the record spectacularly set by Michael Schumacher in a Ferrari FXX at the start of Series 13. The best time recorded by the FXX was 1:10.7. The Ultima GTR720 easily bettered Schumacher’s effort setting a time of 1:09.9.

Well done them! Now, I wonder if this will relieve them of the seemingly massive chip on their shoulders, haha.

Two clips of the lap can be seen after the jump, the first fetauring absurdly biased commentary and the second, filmed in car, gives a great view of the full Top Gear track. If you want more info on this story, check out the Ultima website.

News Top Gear Top Gear Australia

Top Gear Australia – now with Nine speed box

Top Gear Australia moves to Channel 9

Viewers of Top Gear Australia will be tuning into a new channel in 2010 after it was confirmed today that Channel Nine has negotiated the rights away from SBS. The switch of channels completes a quinella for PBL Media, publishers of Top Gear Australia magazine.

Little surprise, though, that Nine supremo and Australian television heavyweight David Gyngell is excited by the new deal with BBC Worldwide, “We are absolutely delighted to be working together with one of the world’s great broadcasting powerhouses on a program of this quality and wide appeal,” he said.

“Top Gear is quite simply an outstanding television product.”

Details of the cast members following the channel move are undecided, although it appears the Shane Warne rumour was false. Steve Pizzati, a host under the SBS regime, has given little away on his twitter account, other than to say “RE: TGA – Will let you all know when there is something to report. Promise.”

The new Channel Nine deal also includes the rights to the UK series of Top Gear, which is expected to begin Series 14 on UK screens from 15 November. Details and scheduling are yet to be confirmed for Australian audiences, but it is expected Nine will start screening episodes of Top Gear early next year.

[Source: ABC Online & The Motor Report]

Top Gear Top Gear Australia

WTF – Shane Warne to host Top Gear Australia?

Shane Warne

Wow, I didn’t ever see the day where Shane Warne would feature on AUSmotive, but the Herald Sun is reporting that Warney is set to host a revamped version of Top Gear Australia which would move from current broadcaster SBS and air on Channel Nine. Details are sketchy at the moment, although it is reported that a deal for a six episode series is expected to be signed off in days.

Watch this space!

[Source: | Thanks to Mick for the tip]

UPDATE: According to ABC Online, a BBC exec has described the suggestion of Shane Warne fronting Top Gear Australia as “utter nonsense!”