Top Gear

Top Gear – Series 13 (starts tomorrow)

Following last week’s trailer is another installment from the Top Gear boys promoting Series 13 which starts tomorrow (21 June, 8pm UK time).

For more amusement check the clip below showing the lads making tits of themselves as they attempt to read a paragraph from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.


Top Gear

Top Gear – Series 13 (returns next week)

A quick reminder that Top Gear Series 13 returns to UK screens next Sunday 21 June.

If you don’t mind a few spoilers on what you will see in the upcoming series, check out Wikipedia or

Porsche Top Gear Video

Top Gear tea break – You need to be awake to drive this fast

Good news, it looks as though the Top Gear YouTube channel now allows video embedding. That means I can take another stab at posting the Porsche Carrera GT clip from Series 4, Episode 4.

Turn up the volume and enjoy…

Top Gear

Top Gear Series 13 return date

Top Gear series 13 return date

Through a few cobbled together pieces of information our friends at reckon the lighter and brighter season of Top Gear (Series 13) will return to UK screens on 21 June.

It looks like Clarkson, Hammond and May are locked in for a 7 episode run, with a further 7 episodes for Series 14 to close out the year.

According to Top Gear‘s Transmission blog, there is a chance the start date for season 13 could be pushed back to 28 June due to a last minute schedule change by the BBC. Stay tuned to AUSmotive for the latest.

Australian readers will see Series 2 of Top Gear Australia on SBS TV from 11 May. It would be nice if SBS ran Series 13 of the proper Top Gear straight after the Aussie series.

[Source: finalgear]

News Top Gear

‘World of Top Gear’ to open in June

World of Top Gear to open in June

No these are not three wax dummys, they are in fact the three well known Top Gear presenters, Richard Hammond, James May and Jeremy Clarkson. But, they might very will find themselves stuffed and propped up when their very own exhibition opens in June.

BBC Worldwide and the National Motor Museum (UK) have signed an agreement for a ‘World of Top Gear’ exhibition to be housed at the Beaulieu tourist attraction.

The exhibition will feature actual vehicles from the show’s ambitious, and generally foolhardy, challenges over the last 12 series. Included will be their amphibious cars and their attempts at creating unique limousines. Behind the scenes action and interactive highlights will also feature.

A financially responsible version of Top Gear is due to return to UK screens soon, with Series 13 scheduled for June.

A press statement on the ‘World of Top Gear’ exhibition can be read after the jump.

Top Gear

Some say he likes lurking in office buildings…

The Stig

Some say he likes lurking in office buildings and that he moonlights as a janitor. All we know is… Google Street View has delivered some Top Gear action by spotting The Stig lurking in an office at Westway, Hammersmith in London. According to Top Gear’s website the Google Maps find is actually the TG offices. This, then, presumably, is the actual Stig. Or it could all be a load of cobblers. Either way, it’s pretty funny.

Click on the image above to view the Street View location for yourself.

[ Source: ]

Top Gear Volkswagen

Top Gear tea break – Lightning Golf

A few years ago Top Gear (Series 4, Episode 5) gave Richard Hammond a nasty shock. Let’s see what happens when they put 800,000 volts through a Volkswagen Golf, while Richard sits inside!

Top Gear

Even more on Top Gear in Vietnam

Top Gear 12x08 - Vietnam Special

The Top Gear Vietnam Special was eagerly awaited by AUSmotive HQ, especially after our world exclusive announcing the recording of the episode, in October 2008. Now, Australian viewers can see the 75 minute episode, in full, on SBS tomorrow night from 7:30pm.

In addition to our earlier “More on Top Gear in Vietnam” post are these six wallpaper sized images from the filming. Simply click on each pic to load the 2000x1320px super image. There’s some good images, including a few from the stunning Ha Long Bay.

The good lads at Explore Indochina also have some behind the scenes images on their website. These guys were used as consultants during the episode with some of the bike modifications carried out under their supervision. If you’re ever considering a road trip, with a difference, then this is the company for you.

For a brief overview of the episode click HERE *spoilers* or simply book a spot on your couch for 7:30 tomorrow night.

(Thanks to Andrew for the all the tips.)

News Top Gear

Top Gear LIVE – tests loyalty to the extreme?

Oh what a ripoff?!

When I saw a trio of F360s pirouetting on the concrete at Top Gear LIVE last weekend I thought to myself, “wow, that’s pretty impressive risking so much exotica like that.”

Turns out that I, and the tens of thousands of others who attended the show, may have been duped. According to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald a fan who got a closer look at the “Ferraris” backstage claims they were, in fact, replicas.

The anonymous fan told SMH, “When they came out on stage I thought something doesn’t look right and something doesn’t sound right. Then when I saw them backstage they had their engine covers up and the engines were definitely not Ferrari engines.”

This would explain why the music was so loud that it drowned out the engine noise. Listening to a Toyota or Peugeot engine at high revs just doesn’t sound the same does it.

There is a company in the UK that makes Ferrari and Lamborghini replica kits based on humble donor cars such as the Toyota MR2 and Peuegot 406 Copué. Might be worth checking to see if they have filled any orders for the BBC in recent times.

Source: SMH (Thanks to Mick for the tip.)

Reviews Top Gear Top Gear Australia

Top Gear LIVE – A review

Top Gear LIVE - Sydney

Top Gear LIVE has now left Australian shores. Like many of the cars on show it was a whirlwind affair filled with action. That is a given, but was it actually any good? It was entertaining. Certainly. But I’m not so sure it was everything it could be.

The “show” kicked off with a series of live ads. Some were okay, some were woeful. In fact, the best ad of the night was the one celebrating the 25th anniversary of Virgin Atlantic which was playing on a video loop before the show began.

The show itself was hosted by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and, from Top Gear Australia, Steve Pizzati. Jeremy and Richard entered the arena in a Lamborghini Gallardo and an Audi R8. A pretty impressive showing, and at some speed, given the indoor arena. Steve Pizzati followed suit shortly after, predictably, in a Holden ute. Surprisingly, the banter between the three worked quite well. Or at least, better than I expected. I was at the 5pm Saturday session, so the guys had a few shows behind them by this point.

We were told James May couldn’t make it because he got stuck at Oxford Street. An edited photo showing him at the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras was put up on the big screen. That would have been okay if the gay jokes stopped there. But they didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a cheap joke like anyone else, but they went overboard on the homo jokes. Way overboard.

The first segment was a stunt driving team powered by Alfa Romeo 147s. There were four cars in total and the stunts performed in such a tight space were extraordinary. A great opening to the show, it must be said.

Like the TV show, there was a challenge for the presenters to take. Who could win a race in the smallest car they could build. Steve had a suitcase that folded out into a car. Hammond had a tricycle driven by power tools and Jeremy got around in a jet powered version of himself. You’ll never guess who won. Of course, it was Clarkson. The predictable humiliation for the losers followed. This included Steve Pizzati being asked to have a motorbike bounce on his arse. In terms of comedy value, it was one step away from Fatty Vautin in drag.

Top Gear

On that bombshell

Top Gear LIVE in Sydney 5-8 February

A quick reminder that Top Gear LIVE makes it Australian premiere this Thursday. Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond will be headlining the show. Its a bit of a shame that James May can’t make it, though.

The Australian season runs from 5-8 February, with all shows taking place at Sydney’s Acer Arena. Also, another reminder that the news conference with Jeremy and Richard discussing their world tour, posted back in November is still online, click here if you’d like to watch it.

There’s a bit of banter about the show on as well.

I’ll be there (thanks Mum), maybe I’ll see you there too.

Top Gear

Lightning have released some viral ads promoting their website. Most of them are a bit “meh”, but this one is quite good. Would be nice if they allowed embedding of clips that weren’t just free ads though.