
Entry-level McLaren P13 to target Porsche 911

McLaren P13 sketch by Autocar

McLaren’s entry-level P13 model will be launched at next year’s Geneva Motor Show, according to Autocar. When it does go on sale it won’t be badged as the P13, although it’s final model name isn’t known just yet.

Priced from £120,000—around 30% less than the price of a 12C—the P13 will use a detuned version of the 3.8 litre V8 twin-turbo found in the 12C. Peak power should be in the 335–372kW (450–500bhp) range.

The P13 will target the Porsche 911 and as such will carry a few different models in its range. For example, in addition to the standard coupé there’s likely to be a Spider and also a stripped out high-performance variant similar to the 911 GT3.

McLaren Automotive CEO, Mike Flewitt, says the P13 will be a “pure driver’s car”.

Annual production is hoped to as high as 2500 cars per annum, by which time McLaren should be making more than 4000 cars each year. Autocar also reports of a McLaren P15, priced at £400K, which will bridge the gap between the 12C and the more extreme P1.

[Source: Autocar]

Formula 1 Lotus McLaren

Eric Boullier quits Lotus F1 with immediate effect

2013 Bahrain Grand Prix

In sensational F1 news Eric Boullier has resigned from the Lotus F1 Team and is expected to be named as the McLaren Team Principal, replacing Martin Whitmarsh.

It’s not been confirmed as yet, but it seems apparent Whitmarsh has been sacked by McLaren and he was not present at the team’s launch of its new MP4-29.

Team owner Gerard Lopez will step in to fulfill the Team Principal role for Lotus in the 2014 season, starting immediately. An official team statement from Lotus can be read after the break.

Formula 1 McLaren

2014 McLaren MP4-29 revealed

2014 McLaren MP4-29

Damn, that nose on the MP4-29 pretty ugly. Let’s hope that’s the worst of what we see in the coming weeks.

A full suite of press material, videos, photos and PDFs showcasing the MP4-29 can be found after the break. But what’s just as interesting in the McLaren material is what is not said.

Firstly, there is not one single mention or explanation of that horrendous nose in any of the official guff below. It’s too late McLaren we have noticed it and it is fugly.

Secondly, the name Martin Whitmarsh is not present at all, which means we can surmise Big Ron has wasted no time and sent Whitmarsh packing and signed off on his P45.

This ties in perfectly with today’s big F1 news that Eric Boullier has resigned from Lotus with immediate effect. It’s expected Boullier will replace Whitmarsh as McLaren’s Team Principal; not Ross Brawn, or Sam Michael as one fanciful rumour suggested this morning.

While there’s no official announcement on Boullier’s arrival just yet, McLaren has confirmed it has signed key staff from the likes of Red Bull and Lotus, including Ciaron Pilbeam formerly race engineer to Mark Webber.

Also, last year we were informed Vodafone would be ending its long-term relationship with McLaren and that the Woking-based team would announce its new title sponsor in December 2013. It stood to reason that a team such as McLaren would already have a new deal in place and it would just be a matter of time before we found out who it would be.

Then we were told the sponsorship announcement would be put off to coincide with the launch of the MP4-29 to maximise the exposure for said new sponsor. That made perfect sense, too. But last week the word from McLaren was there would be no title sponsor announcement in the short-term future but they’ve still got heaps of cash anyway so no need to panic.

And yet, with all of these dramatic changes taking place at McLaren you get the sense that panic stations are indeed the order of the day. No wonder Ron Dennis is back in the building.


Is the McLaren P1 the new Ring-daddy after all?

McLaren P1

If you’ve been following our coverage of the McLaren P1 and its mystery Nürburgring lap time you’ll probably be over it just like we were.

And yet, thanks to Steve Sutcliffe’s review of the P1 for Autocar an unofficial ballpark time has emerged and breathed new life into the ongoing speculation. It’s been that way mostly because McLaren got cute and told us they went sub-7 minutes, but not how far below.

First, a reminder that the Porsche 918 has lapped the Ring in a documented 6 minutes 57 seconds. Clearly, McLaren will want to better that, and by some margin.

We’ve had speculation of a 7:04 lap time from the hybrid P1 and also 6:47. Well now we can add a new and much more impressive claim thanks to Autocar:

According to the rumour mill that is the internet the number of 6min 47sec keeps cropping up. But according to a McLaren insider I spoke to who knows rather more about the P1’s capabilities than any armchair expert ever could, the actual time is “a fair bit quicker than that.” As in six minutes 30 something. Either way, the P1 is, until Ferrari unleashes the LaFerrari at the Green Hell, king of the ‘Ring. For the time being.

Six minutes and thirty seconds?! That is very, very fast. As in, approaching all-time fastest ever around the fearsome Nordschleife!


Autocar has a go in the McLaren P1

McLaren P1 in hot weather testing

Steve Sutcliffe from Autocar has just filed his review of the fearsome McLaren P1. It’s fair to say he was impressed by the experience, albeit with an underwhelming start as these selected paragraphs show:

On the road, the first impressions are of a car that feels remarkably like a McLaren 12C. Which is either a good thing if you’ve never driven a 12C before or, initially, a mild anti-climax if you have.


The P1 is not ultimately a car to be driven slowly, however, even if its electric power source does provide it with a hit of throttle response that a straight turbocharged car couldn’t hope to replicate. Instead it’s about going fast – really, really fast – and this something it can do with varying degrees of madness depending which mode you choose to drive it in. Which probably sounds a little bit digital but which is, in practice, anything but.


And, best (or worst) of all depending on how brave you’re feeling, it will also allow big hits of opposite lock before the ESP or TC systems intervene. You feel a lot more on your own in the P1 than you do in, say, a Porsche 918 on a track. More than any other characterstic, perhaps, this is what separates their personalities.

Follow the source link for the full review.

UPDATE: A teaser video has been added below, the full clip later this week apparently. Chris Harris promises his review isn’t too far away either. Happy days!

[Source: Autocar]

Formula 1 McLaren

Big Ron back on deck at McLaren

Ron Dennis

There’s been big changes at McLaren with expectations the bloodletting has only just begun. First, Ron Dennis returns to the role of McLaren Group CEO, a position he left in 2012. In doing so he has displaced Martin Whitmarsh, the man who replaced him.

Dennis comes with a promise to “undertake a thorough and objective review” and to “implement the organisational structure” required to achieve his new world order.

For now Whitmarsh keeps his role as McLaren’s Team Principal but you don’t have to look too hard to find plenty of speculation that Whitmarsh will soon be freed from the tight constraints of Woking.

While we’re riding a few bandwagons let’s get on board the wagon carrying Ross Brawn, right into Whitmarsh’s Team Principal role. At lest that’s the opinion now being shared by The Telegraph.

So what’s driving these changes? The relentless and ruthless chase for success. McLaren, one of the most successful F1 teams of all time, did not score a single podium in 2013. Worse, it hasn’t won a constructor’s championship for almost 15 years. And it’s now five years since Lews Hamilton won the driver’s crown.

There hasn’t appeared to be a groundswell of disharmony coming from Woking, but with their tightly controlled ship who really knows. Certainly the return of Dennis, announced with a stirring speech from 66-year-old, seems to have captured the staff’s imagination.

“So inspired by Ron speech yesterday! Let’s start exciting new chapter in McLaren again! #BelieveInRon,” tweeted design engineer Giovanni Banzola.

While Clare Martin, head race and test coordinator, added: “Think it’s safe to say today’s news was received well! #BelieveInRon”.

How serious are the claims of Brawn’s return to Formula 1, just a few weeks after departing Mercedes? Well, he probably didn’t expect the possibility of an opportunity opening up with McLaren. Is Brawn’s relationship with Honda, who will power McLaren’s cars again in 2015, such that it could be contributing factor in joining McLaren. Or will a mutual respect and a recent conversation with Dennis be enough for that?

We should have answers to all of these questions, and perhaps even more, before the Australian Grand Prix in mid-March.


McLaren to take rain check on wipers

McLaren P1

Those clever clogs in labcoats at McLaren have been busy developing windscreen that will make traditional wipers obsolete according to a report in The Sunday Times. Apparently the special screen will use high-frequency soundwaves to repel water, bugs and other debris.

Expect to see the technology on McLaren’s road cars in 2015, or thereabouts.

All very clever stuff, of course, but do the humble windscreen wipers really place such a demand on a car’s electrical systems to warrant such a measure?

[Source: The Verge]

Formula 1 McLaren

Ayrton Senna’s McLaren MP4/4 coming to Sydney

McLaren MP4/4

When the Top Gear Festival rolls around to Sydney next March one of the headline acts will be Ayrton Senna’s 1988 McLaren MP4/4. In partnership with Alain Prost the iconic driver pairing won 15 of the 16 races that year. Senna went on to win his first world championship in the car, ensuring it will forever remain etched in F1 folklore.

After the break a short video is available with Bruno Senna and former race engineer Neil Trundle talking about the car.


There’s at least one McLaren P1 money can buy

McLaren P1 for sale in Dubai

It’s only a few weeks since we reported the McLaren P1 had sold out. With only 375 to be made that may not seem like a tough ask, but at a final buy price of around £1 million that means there’s a lot of spare cash floating around.

If you’re lucky enough to have plenty of notes in your pocket and thought you’d missed out on getting yourself a P1 you’re in luck! Go to Dubai, now, and you can put your name on this bright yellow P1 from Al Ain Class Motors.

Listed as having 0km on the clock and being “Limited edition 1 out of 375” this P1 is sure to gather some interest. Reported to have a sticker price of almost £1.3 million (AU$2.34 million) it’s something of an oddity to be up for sale so soon after rolling off the Woking production line.

Exclusive hypercars such as this often include a clause in the sale contract which prevents the original purchaser from selling the car so quickly.

The basic list price for a P1 is a shade over £865,000 but McLaren says almost three quarters of buyers add bespoke touches taking the sale price beyond seven figures.

Should the worst happen, and you arrive in Dubai and the P1 has a sold sticker on the windscreen there’s other exotic machinery to tempt you, such as an Aston Marin One-77, a Koenigsegg Agera or a Pagani Huayra.

[Source: Autocar]



McLaren’s official statement on P1 Nürburgring lap

McLaren P1

Following the video we brought you late last week McLaren has given us their official word about the P1 recording a sub-seven minute Nürburgring lap. Although, there’s still no definitive time given.

McLaren says the XP2R P1 prototype was driven from Woking to the Ring before posting its lap time, which works out to be an average speed in excess of 178km/h over the 20.8km circuit. Notably, when in the Race mode used to break the seven-minute barrier the car was lowered by a total of 50mm.

The footage of the P1 rocketing down in Fuchsröhre is some of the most dramatic Nürburgring film we’ve ever seen. Test driver Chris Goodwin explains the sensation: “I have only experienced acceleration like this before in a Formula 1 car. This downhill snaking section of the track is taken flat, using DRS, shifting gear all the way down to the base of the valley, and the compression that follows applies the maximum vertical g-forces to the car. The forces really load the tyres, chassis and wing, but it is taken with only a slight lift of the throttle.”

Goodwin rounds out his commentary by claiming: “Driving the McLaren P1 at this pace, on this circuit, is the most impressive driving experience I’ve ever had in any road or race McLaren, on any road or track in the world.”

When you consider Goodwin has full access to McLaren’s back catalogue of road and F1 cars he’s just being a show-off!


McLaren continues P1 Nürburgring tease

McLaren P1

McLaren has released a teaser video informing us the P1 has broken the 7-minute barrier around the Nordschleife. But they still haven’t put their neck on the line by declaring an exact time. The video itself is very well produced and should we ever get a full lap it looks like it will be one of the best Nürburgring videos we’re likely to see.

Now, back to the lap time. Rumours have been around for a couple of months that the P1 lapped the Ring in 6 minutes 47 seconds but it has never been confirmed. Facebook is the source of the latest suggestions that the P1 has usurped the Porsche 918’s 6:57 lap by 10 seconds while running street tyres. It’s also been suggested that McLaren ran some laps on slick tyres and with the grippier rubber the P1 lapped the Ring in 6 minutes 33 seconds.

The belief is McLaren isn’t likely to have the courage to put its balls on the line until Ferrari publishes a Nürburgring time for the LaFerrari. The theory being McLaren will launch another assault on the Green Hell should the LaFezza beat its time.

The Nordschleife is currently undergoing track maintenance during the winter months so we’re going to have to wait a few more months before Ferrari can get busy.

So, once again we’re left with a publicity shy McLaren lacking the guts to stand behind its product. Even this teaser video isn’t publicly listed! Clearly, the P1 is a rip snorting car which seems to manage the balance of brutality and finesse with extraordinary success.

[Source: Bridge to Gantry]

McLaren Porsche Video

Porsche 911 Turbo S v McLaren MP4-12C Spider

Porsche 911 Turbo S v McLaren MP4-12C Spider

A 991 Porsche 911 Turbo S up against a McLaren MP4-12C Spider; nice work Chris! The Porsche is cheaper, but is heavier and has less power than the 12C. So what do you think happens next? Well, it’s a bit like comparing a Golf GTI against a Megane RS265, just with an extra zero in the purchase price.