
Seven-figure Ferrari F150 already sold out

Ferrari F70 teaser

Ferrari F70 teaser

We’re yet to officially see the new Ferrari F150, the much anticipated successor to the Enzo. It’s expected Ferrari will produce only 499 F150s and according to Fiat CEO, Sergio Marchionne, the car is already sold out.

Not a bad effort for a car which will likely have an asking price of €1 million. That equates to $1.3 million of our money. Although, should any F150s find their way down under expect the driveaway price to be much closer, or even beyond, $2 million. Scary!

Still, in exchange for your seven figures Ferrari will oblige with an intoxicating 900hp supplied by a 6.3 litre V12 and HY-KERS electric hybrid system. Hmm, that sounds very tempting, shame they’re all sold.

[Source: Automotive News Europe]

Ferrari Video

VIDEO: Ferrari to join WRC?

Ferrari Enzo rally bash

Of course, Ferrari isn’t really going to enter the WRC, but this equally pointless and excellent video makes us think that it could be fun if they did.

The uptight will cringe at this clip, for sure. If that’s you, just breathe out, relax and loosen up. Then imagine how much fun it would have been to be the chap behind the wheel.

[via Jalopnik]

Ferrari Formula 1

Massa fastest on Day 3 in Jerez

Felipe Massa, Ferrari F138, Jerez

Felipe Massa seems a lot happier with life in 2013 after using his new F138 to set the fastest time so far this week in Jerez overnight. Running soft compound tyres for the first time Massa set his time of 1:17.879 in the morning session. So far he’s the only driver to break the 1:18 barrier.

In what can be described as a much happier pre-season for Ferrari, Massa understands that getting off to a good start can set the tone for the year ahead. “These were three very important days,” Felipe said. “They were especially useful in the sense of finding the right direction for the team to focus on when it come to the development work between now and the opening round in Australia.”

However, Massa knows that pre-season times don’t count for much. “The quick lap? It means nothing,” he said. “While I’m pleased to have done a good time, that was not the priority: we must still concentrate on the car set-up and we will definitely be doing this during the next test in Barcelona. Several teams have very quick and well balanced cars and so I am one hundred percent keeping my feet on the ground.”

There would have been smiles at Mercedes, too, with Nico Rosberg second quickest (1:18.766), but more importantly able to complete 148 laps in the F1 W04, 38 more than any other driver.

Sebastian Vettel’s first day out for Red Bull in the RB9 was fruitful, racking up 102 laps and setting the third fastest lap (1:19.052).

In the Lotus garage Kimi Raikkonen got his first taste of the E21. He only registered 40 laps, but was only a couple of tenths off Vettel’s time (1.19.200).

After three days in Jerez, with only one more to go, there’s been three different teams topping the time sheets: McLaren, Lotus and Ferrari. It would appear that defending champion Red Bull has been content to let other take the limelight. Foxing perhaps? A bit too early to say, but the talk coming from their garage is very positive.

Ferrari Formula 1

Ferrari F138 v F2012

Ferrari F138 v F2012

Last year’s Ferrari was a bit of a mess. Awful to look at, even by the team’s own admission, and inconsistent on the track. Yet, somehow, Fernando Alonso very nearly won the major prize. No doubt Maranello is hoping for bigger and better things from their 2013 machine.

If nothing else, the F138 is much better to look at, even though it will never rank highly on the list of the most beautiful F1 cars ever made.

There’s four more images for you below, along with the expert analysis on the F138 from Craig Scarborough.

Ferrari Formula 1

Ferrari unveils 2013 F1 car

2013 Ferrari F138

Here’s the new Ferrari F138, the car they hope will propel Fernando Alonso to the 2013 world championship. Once you discount this year’s latest fad, the modesty panel hiding the god awful noses we saw last year, then this Ferrari is not terribly different to look at compared with the F2012.

Simone Resta, Deputy Chief Designer, explains they have made significant changes to the F138’s suspension. “There were very few changes to the regulations, but nevertheless we chose to work on and modify all aspects of the car, trying to move forward in every area, because we felt there was a significant amount of performance that could be gained with this new car,” he said.

“I would say the biggest changes relate to the front suspension, which has an improved layout, while at the rear, the suspension is completely new. We also have a revised sidepod design, aimed at improving the aerodynamics in this area, as well as a completely new layout for the exhaust system.”

You sense that Ferrari had a bit of a love hate relationship with last year’s car and they hope they have put things right, even if there’s still some changes to come before the season starts in Australia.

“The car we will race in Melbourne will be quite different to the one seen at the launch and the first test,” continues Resta. “In the past few weeks we have improved and indeed in those ahead of us now, we can improve further, the performance of the car, which guarantees that the F138 in Melbourne will be significantly different to the F138 at Test 1…and hopefully quicker.

“I am reasonably happy with the car so far as there was a significant performance gap to be closed, something which we cannot deny, but I think we have done a good job in all areas, trying to cover all the weak points of its predecessor.”

There’s more photos after the break, along with Ferrari’s full press blurb and more insightful commentary from Craig Scarborough.

Ferrari Formula 1

Ferrari names new F1 car the F138

Ferrari F138 logo

Ferrari has confirmed the launch for its 2013 F1 car will take place in Maranello on Friday. They have also told the world their latest challenger will be called the F138. The numbers reference the year, 2013, and the final season F1 will use a V8 engine configuration.

Until the end of the 2005 season Formula 1 used 3.0 litre V10 engines, before switching to the current specification of 2.4 litre V8s. Next year will usher in new engine regs which specify all teams must use a turbocharged 1.6 litre V6.

We’ll bring you images and info from Ferrari following the unveiling of the F138.


Ferrari’s new F150 supercar revealed (or not)

Ferrord F150

Ferrari has sensationally revealed their new F150 hypercar on Christmas eve and we can bring you this exclusive new photo!

Okay, well maybe not, but after seeing Ferrari reignite the F150 bagde, even if it may only be an internal code, we couldn’t resist bringing back this spoof image from last year, following Ford’s demands that Ferrari cease referring to its F1 car as the F150.


Looking back at the new Ferrari F150

Ferrari F70 teaser

Ferrari F70 teaser

Earlier in the month we got a look at the front of the Ferrari F70. Now, the Ferrari website is teasing the F70’s backside, as well as its front, with a page titled “Special Limited Series”.

And what do you know, Ferrari’s new hypercar isn’t going to be called the F70 at all, rather the F150. Hmm, isn’t the F150 a pickup truck and haven’t we been here before?

Anyway, back to the images. It’s going to look pretty special, don’t you think? Of course, the car itself will be special too. Under a page titled “Solving the mystery”, Ferrari has this to say on the F150’s powertrain:

The F150 will be powered by a development of the 740 CV 6.3-litre V12 introduced in the new F12berlinetta, along with the latest evolution of Ferrari’s HY-KERS electric hybrid system unveiled at the Geneva Show in 2010. The HY-KERS system is a performance enhancer, as well as a tool in the battle to lower emissions.

On the seating position:

In order to rationalise interior space, the cockpit, and consequently the entire vehicle, is built around the driver, making the most of Ferrari’s experience, both in functionality and ergonomics. Hence the decision to adopt a fixed seat, which will be made to measure (as it is in an F1 car), with an adjustable pedal box and steering wheel.

On the development team:

A working group of F1 and GT engineers has been focused on the chassis for more than three years, availing itself of the contribution of Rory Byrne, who helped win 11 world titles in his role as the Scuderia’s Chief Designer.

We can’t wait to see the full details! There’s a few more teaser pics after the break, too.

Ferrari Formula 1

Luca di Montezemolo writes a letter

Luca di Montezemolo

Ferrari Chairman, Luca di Montezemolo, has shared his thoughts on the 2012 F1 season with a letter/interview issued by the Ferrari press department.

It covers obvious topics like Sebastian Vettel driving for Ferrari, as well as the yellow flag controversy surrounding the championship decider in Brazil.

But di Montezemolo also aired his views on a number of other aspects concerning Formula 1, including the legacy of Max Mosley‘s budget caps, the lack of testing and, ultimately, the future of F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone. It’s not the first time di Montezemolo has had a crack at Bernie and it seems pretty clear he’s not a fan:

“The era of the one man show cannot continue: the future should be in the hands of a team that will look after all the different areas. We are slowly approaching the end of a period characterised by the style of one man who has done significant things. It’s a bit of a similar case to what will happen to me: within the decade I will face this question, but when I am 75 not 82…”

You can read the letter in full after the break. And we suggest you do.

Ferrari Formula 1

Bernie: 10 teams best, so long as Ferrari stays

Fernando Alonso, 2012 Malaysian Grand Prix

F1 power monger Bernie Ecclestone is not shedding a tear at the loss of the HRT from the 2013 starting grid, which leaves 11 teams in motorsport’s premier category, and would prefer another team left the sport as well.

Perhaps not the best Christmas message if you’re Caterham or Marussia. But it’ll be all smiles down at Ferrari, who seem to be Formula 1’s untouchables while Bernie is in charge.

Speaking to Reuters, Ecclestone said: “I’d rather have 10. I never wanted 12.

“It’s just that 10 is easier to handle, for the promoters, for transport. We’d rather have 10…so long as we don’t lose Ferrari.”

[Source: Reuters | Pic: Ferrari]


The face of Ferrari’s new F70 hypercar

Ferrari F70 teaser image

This blurry image is believed to be our first look at the new Ferrari F70. The photo was taken at a special display on show at Ferrari’s Finali Mondiali dinner held in Valencia last weekend.

The wording beneath the display reads: “A client focused approach with the most complete range ever.”

The Enzo replacement is expected to produce 900hp from a combination of 7.3 litre V12 and F1-style KERS unit. A carbon fibre tub will help keep the car’s weight down, which could be as low as 1100kg according to some reports.

An F1-like seating position is expected, which will complement the F70’s impressive statistics, and make it one of the best ever street-legal F1 experiences money can buy.

It was thought for a while that the F70 would debut in Detroit next month, but any such ideas were quickly quashed and an official launch date remains a mystery.

[Source: GTspirit]

Ferrari Formula 1 Red Bull Racing

The FIA writes Ferrari a letter

2012 Brazilian Grand Prix

To, finally, close the book on the 2012 F1 world championship the FIA has written a letter to Ferrari. While we can’t bring you the exact content of that letter, we can confirm via an official FIA statement that Sebastian Vettel’s status a triple world champion is safe:

The FIA received a letter from Scuderia Ferrari, seeking clarification on Sebastien Vettel’s overtaking manoeuvre in Sao Paulo on Sunday.

In the spirit of transparency and goodwill, the FIA wishes to make public the receipt of this letter.

The Federation also informs it has replied to Scuderia Ferrari, in the same constructive spirit, stating that as the overtaking manoeuvre was not in breach of the regulations, and therefore there was no infringement to investigate, it was not reported to the Stewards by Race Control.

[Pic: Red Bull/Getty Images]