News Porsche Volkswagen

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em

Porsche & Volkswagen logosAfter plenty of wrangling it looks as though the Porsche-Volkswagen takeover will end up being a friendly merger. At least, that’s how it is being played out in media reports across the globe.

The merger, announced today, will put an end to Porsche’s takeover bid and it is hoped the combined approach of the two companies will help circumvent the Lower Saxony “VW law” that could see any takeover plans quashed, despite Porsche being the majority shareholder in Volkswagen.

Both Porsche and Volkswagen have released brief press statements (available after the jump) and we’ve been told to expect more detailed news in the next month as to just how this merger will take shape.

In the meantime, check out this report from the BBC for a more in depth analysis.

Targa Tasmania

Targa Tasmania 2009 – That’ll buff right out

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Ouch!

This year marked my second trip to Targa Tasmania, so it was with some experience that I knew the excitement and anticipation of seeing the entire fleet of competition cars at Launceston prior to the event, would soon end in a twisted wreckage for some. Symbolising the loss of someone’s hopes and dreams. Motorsport is an unforgiving beast, as these images show.

It doesn’t matter how much your car costs, by entering an event like Targa Tasmania you simply have to be prepared for the worst to happen.

The problem with that is being witness to some gorgeous metal being pushed into shapes we hoped never existed. Take the stunning Lotus Cortina, for example. Or the beautiful yellow BMW 2002. Which, incidentally, crashed out in 2008 as well—on the first corner of the Prologue in George Town—poor buggers.

The Ferrari featured below, amazingly, suffered only cosmetic damage, as severe as it may have looked, and the car was seen on the road after the event being driven back to Devonport for the ferry ride home.

The profile of driver, too, was no barrier, with eight-time winner Jim Richards crashing his car in a Targa Tasmania rally for the first time. Suitably, Richards’ candid self-appraisal was refreshing to hear.

“I turned into the corner in second gear, got to the middle of the corner and the car understeered on the gravel and mud that was on the road. But hey, 200 other cars got around the corner without hitting the bank so I was obviously going a fraction too fast,” he said.

Some raw TV news footage from the final day can also been seen below, which includes the sorry sight of Kevin Weeks’ Lambo in the bushes.

Fortunately, for all the twisted metal, no competitors suffered serious injuries during the event.

Eagle eyed AUSmotive readers will notice a MINI Cooper S shown in the images below. You’ll be able to read more on that later when my service crew report for 2009 is posted in the coming days.

Targa Tasmania

Targa Tasmania 2009 – Mt Black

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Mt Black

Service crew duties meant I wasn’t able to get the camera out during Leg 3, so the next suite of images are from the ‘Mt Black’ stage from Leg 4. This is when the rally heads down the west coast, leaving the Launceston base for an overnight stop in the picturesque village of Strahan.

While there was some early rain about on the previous day, it cleared up pretty early in the morning. Not so on day four, where the rain came and went throughout the day. For an example of this, just check the difference in conditions on the pics below of car #803, the red R32 Nissan GT-R. The two photos were taken a bit over 30 seconds apart.

The photos were captured at the start of the stage and in a few of the shots you can get a real appreciation for the support and volunteers needed to run an event such as Targa Tasmania. It must be a logistical nightmare coordinating all the people involved, and that’s before you even worry about the competitors!

Quickest on the 8.8km ‘Mt Black’ stage was Kevin Weeks in his 2007 Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera, with a time of 4 minutes 19 seconds. If I was to hazard a guess, I would think a BMW X5, towing an empty car trailer, should be able to cover the stage in a shade over 7 minutes and 40 seconds.

You know the drill, more pics and TV news highlights after the jump. If you have been following this series of posts, the Leg 3 news clip has been included as well.

Targa Tasmania

Targa Tasmania 2009 – Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

These photos were taken on Leg 2 at the ‘Longford’ town stage. The 2.9km zig-zag street circuit gives spectators a chance to see the cars in action without the need to beat road closures.

The town stages at Targa Tasmania have generous base times. This means the bulk of the field will usually ‘clean’ the stage and incur no time penalties. This was the case for ‘Longford’ as the results show, but a pattern was starting to emerge on the leaderboard with Tony Quinn and Kevin Weeks heading the pack.

As with the previous image galleries, more pics can be seen after the jump. Don’t forget to click on each pic to load the 2000px super image. A brief video clip of the day’s proceedings is also included.

Targa Tasmania

Targa Tasmania 2009 – Merseylea

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Merseylea

This selection of photos was taken on day one at the ‘Merseylea’ stage, a 9.9km stretch south of Devonport. The fastest through this stage was Jason White in his 2007 Lamborghini Gallardo, but it was the Lambo of Kevin Weeks that stole the show with flames spewing out of the exhaust throughout the corner where these pics were taken.

A full list of results for the ‘Merseylea’ stage can be seen here. For more pictures and television news highlights from Leg 1, see below.

Targa Tasmania

Targa Tasmania 2009 – George Town

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Prologue

The first hit out for Targa Tasmania competitors is the ‘Temco Prologue’, held on the streets of George Town. The stage itself doesn’t count towards the final placings, but effectively seeds the drivers by determining the starting order for the rest of the event.

In order to help compress the field during the rally, thereby minimising road closure times, the slower competitors—as determined by the Prologue results—begin each day first, with the field gaining pace as the next driver starts. Occassionally re-seeding does take place, as it did this year when Steve Glenney’s RX-8 SP blew a turbo on the George Town leg. The Mazda techs had his car ship shape for Leg 1 the following day and so the organisers moved his starting order up the field reducing the likelihood of Glenney overtaking slower cars all the time.

On arrival of the fleet in George Town the cars gather in a park giving spectators a chance to get up close and personal with all the cars and drivers before they hit the streets in anger.

After the jump you can see plenty of photos (click each image to load a 2000px super image). I’ll be posting up a few image galleries from the event and aim to give a good cross section of the cars taking part, from the old classics to the latest supercars.

Also included below is a YouTube clip from this year’s Prologue filmed inside car #715, a 1970s Porsche 911. This footage not only shows you the streets of George Town, but also gives a good example of the pace note system used by many of the teams. Rounding out the photo gallery is another YouTube clip showing some raw footage of the cars in action. Keep an eye, and ear, out for the fire spitting out of Jason White’s Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera!

Mitsubishi Nissan Porsche Targa Tasmania Volvo

Targa Tasmania 2009 – The winners

Targa Tasmania 2009

Tony Quinn (QLD) and Naomi Tillett (SA) in a 2008 Nissan GT-R have won this year’s Targa Tasmania. Quinn was at the pointy end of the field throughout the event, but he faced an eight second deficit to the 2007 Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera of Kevin Weeks (SA) leading into the final day. And what a drama filled day it proved to be.

The cool and wet conditions which faced the drivers meant it was a case of finding that balance between pushing hard and simply staying on the black stuff.

The first stage of Leg 5, TS35 ‘Strahan’, was a 33.3km long stretch of unforgiving slippery tarmac. And with the start point on the edge of the town itself, drivers were given little chance to work much needed heat into their tyres and brakes.

Quinn fought desperately hard in the heavy GT-R and was 11 seconds faster than Weeks. The ball was now in Weeks’ court and he attempted to wrestle back the lead on the following 6.4km ‘Queenstown’ stage. The stage begins with a tight and twisty climb out of the mining town, before opening up into a frighteningly quick downhill section. It was here that the result of the rally was decided when Weeks lost control and flew off the bitumen into the roadside scrub and bushes.

It was a savage incident and Weeks and navigator Rebecca Crunkhorn were airlifted to Hobart General Hospital. Fortunately, both suffered little more than bruised pride, Crunkhorn was released later that day, but Weeks remained in hospital overnight with suspected rib injuries. The South Australian is expected to make a speedy recovery.

Local competitors Jason and John White, also in a Lamborghini Gallardo were now in second place. For the previous four days they formed part of a very tight leaderboard, but mechanical gremlins suffered by the Lambo on the final few stages meant that Tony Quinn would claim a six minute winning margin. The largest in the event’s 18 year history.

Quinn and Weeks have both come very close to winning Targa Tasmania in the past. Both are likeable characters and either driver would have proved to be a popular winner. Speaking at the post-rally function the following day “Quinny” was gracious in victory and expressed heartfelt thanks to the numerous well wishes and support he and navigator Naomi Tillet had received.

Targa Tasmania is a gruelling event, extremely tough on cars and a fierce mental test of driver and navigator, anyone who thinks Quinn won this event simply because he was driving a GT-R is kidding themselves.


Nürburgring Warz: GT-R still more better than Porsche

2010 Porsche GT3

The latest sortie in the Battle of Nürburgring between Porsche and Nissan has dealt another killer blow in favour of the Japanese.

Reports have surfaced today that legendary test driver Walter Rohrl recently lapped the Green Hell in a 2010 Porsche 911 GT3 in an “unofficial” time of 7 minutes and 40 seconds.

Or, sadly for Porsche fans, some 13 seconds slower than the best time recorded by a GT-R. Porsche have reportedly assumed the foetal position and are rocking in the corner saying that a standard GT-R can’t go any faster than 7 minutes 54 seconds.

Check out for more detail.

Porsche Volkswagen

Volkswagen to Porsche: Anything you can do…

Porsche & Volkswagen logosThe Porsche-Volkswagen tale appears to have a few twists in the offing. In January, Porsche became the majority shareholder of Volkswagen. Although, there is still the Lower-Saxony ruling, preventing outright control of Volkswagen by another party, to be overcome.

And now, well, things are seeming to spice up somewhat. How much of the latest developments are speculation, fact or even outright fantasy is open to debate, but you can be sure that all bases have been covered.

But, is Volkswagen really considering a takeover bid all of its own?

That is the conclusion drawn by a report in today’s Sydney Morning Herald which claims Volkswagen itself wants to buy Porsche.

Then, a story on CarAdvice runs a quote from Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn that everything is hunky dory and he can’t wait to get into bed with the Stuttgart massive.

Adding further intrigue to that last point is a story on autoblog reporting on a rumour that Porsche and Volkswagen will be playing CEO swapsies, with Winterkorn moving south and Wendelin Wiedeking moving north to Wolfsburg.

Whatever the outcome, let’s hope this ends up a long and successful relationship that produces worthwhile offspring. Think Henry Fonda followed by Jane, Peter and Bridget; not Britney Spears and Kevin Federline and whatever is to become of Sean and Jayden.

[Thanks to Michael for the tip.]

MINI Targa Tasmania

AUSmotive returning to Targa Tasmania

AUSmotive returning to Targa Tasmania

AUSmotive will be making the trek to Tasmania this weekend as preparations for Targa Tasmania get into full swing. I will be returning to work as part of the service crew for two privateer entrants, Andrew Robinson (#923) and Stu Jones (#916).

Here’s to a great rally for the guys, especially after Robbo’s disappointment last year.

Keep an eye on their progress on the Targa website and in the meantime keep your fingers crossed that no big motoring stories break while I am away!

Aston Martin

One-77 to make public debut at Concorso d’Eleganza

Aston Martin One-77

Aston Martin’s newest concept, the One-77, is set to make its public debut today at the Concorso d’Eleganza. The famous and exclusive event is held in the grounds of the Grand Hotel Villa d’Este, on the shores of Lake Como in Italy, and runs from 24-26 April 2009.

While the car on show is considered a concept car, it will have a working drivetrain and finished interior that, if not exact, will be very close to the final production model. A leaked document has given us a sneak preview of the interior already, so seeing a close to final product will prove interesting.

Aston Martin Chief Executive, Dr Ulrich Bez is cockahoop, “The craftsmanship and design that has gone into the creation of the Aston Martin One-77 lifts automotive engineering into the realm of art. With its finely sculpted forms and sleek lines, it is an expression of unparalleled beauty that embodies everything Aston Martin stands for.”

Check out the Concorso d’Eleganza website for more info on the event.


Dream a little dream of me

Volkswagen Scirocco

Could it be? Internet scuttlebutt has surfaced recently suggesting the gorgeous Volkswagen Scirocco could be closer to Australian reality than first thought.

To date we’ve been lead to believe it’s too hard, the price isn’t right, Volkswagen Germany doesn’t want to play ball. Or that maybe the only way to get the Scirocco down under is the über R20T version, based on the Studie R. Perhaps you could import one yourself from New Zealand. The United States have lucked out.

But, now, thanks to a few simple words on the pistonheads forum, Australian readers have been given renewed hope. According to this post the Scirocco is undergoing local evaluation and could be in Australia later this year, or possibly 2010. The demand appears to exist for the car. Even as far back as May last year AUSmotive readers were in full support of the Scirocco landing on our shores. Go on Volkswagen Australia … you know it makes sense!

A selection of images follows below, just to help keep that Scirocco dream alive.
