Green Machines Volkswagen

Volkswagen 1 litre teaser

Volkswagen 1 litre concept

Things have been a bit quiet in car land for the last day or two. The calm before the Frankfurt storm, clearly. One little tidbit that has popped up, though, is this nifty little gadget from Volkswagen. It is a new, more realistic, 1 litre two seater concept city car.

The “1 litre” name is inspired by the car’s fuel consumption goal of being able to travel 100 kilomtetres on a single litre of petrol. An earlier concept, in black, was previously revealed by former VW CEO Ferdinand Piech. He used the car for a publicity stunt, using it to drive to Volkswagen’s AGM, back in 2002.

The new, more production ready model is understood to be powered by sub-30kW two cylinder diesel engine, mated to a 7 speed DSG transmission. There’s talk there could be an electric engine, of sorts, hidden away in the 500kg bodywork as well.

Volkswagen have previously stated they would like a car of this ilk to go in to production. Possibly as early as next year. So, it seems, along with all of life’s other secrets, all will be revealed at the Frankfurt IAA later this week.

[Source: Bild am Sonntag via autoblog]

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