Lamborghini Oh the humanity

Lamborghini Gallardo lights my fire

Lamborghini Gallardo up in flames

First it was a Ferrari 599 GTB. Then a McLaren F1. More tragedy followed with a Ferrari Enzo. Now, Lamborghini has got in on the latest supercar fad—the in-car barbeque. What a sad and terrible sight the above image paints with the once gorgeous Gallardo reduced to a fried mess. Fortunately, the two occupants escaped unharmed. The incident happened in Peterborough, a short drive to the north of Cambridge.

If you can take it, video of the supercar in flames can be seen after the jump.

UPDATE 14 July: In the news segment of the latest episode of Top Gear [13×04] lots of burning Gallardo examples were featured. Very sad.

[Source: Top Gear & BBC]

2 replies on “Lamborghini Gallardo lights my fire”

I’m seeing a trend here.

Expensive car + extravagant lifestyle -> GFC -> living beyond ones means -> insurance fraud -> reduce financial problem -> maintain facade of keeping up with Jones’s

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