
Want to buy your own Bugatti Veyron?

Bugatti Veyron

Well now you can. Yes, even in Australia (sort of). Think of it, your own Bugatti Veyron! I mean, who could resist the 16.4 litre engine, with not one, not two, not even three, but four turbochargers. That will really impress your mates at your next cruise to Panthers. Get your camera ready to capture their faces when you tell them your new jalopy has a massive 1001PS (736kW) and, when Mr Plod is not looking, can take you to a tear duct breaking 407km/h. Wow! Impressive, hey. So, I said you could buy one, and bring it to Australia…

Our friends at the Toy Shop claim to have a Veyron up for grabs in Japan that sir could then import to Australia. Okay, so you can’t register it for Australian roads, but your local motorsport club will probably let you join them on a tack day. I’m just guessing. All you need is $3.3 million, you might need to pass the hat around next time you’re at the pub with your mates. If you did buy this Veyron you would be sure to be added to Wayne Swan’s Christmas card list as his 8% increase in the Luxury Car Tax would see the Government net a cool $972,897 (in case you’re wondering the LCT payable at the old rate would have been $737,045). Better pass that hat around again by the looks. Just kidding, everyone knows the LCT isn’t payable on second hand cars. So what are you waiting for, click the image below to buy the car of your dreams!

Bugatti Veyron for sale

Yeah, I know that was a bit silly, as if you would buy a new car without actually test driving one first. Well, here at we have the solution to that problem as well. All you need to do is nip down to your local travel agent, arrange some first class flights to the UK then simply hire a Veyron from Supercar Experiences for the day. Too easy. The price? Oh yeah, it’s a bit more than hiring a city runabout, but I’m sure your missus won’t notice the difference when the credit card bill arrives in the mail. It’s nothing, you’ll be fine. Hmm, I can see you still ant to know the price for hiring a Veyron, well, okay, you’ll need the small amount of £17,500 (approx AU$36,000). I know what you’re thinking, that this is a bit steep, but, you’re worth it. Go on, rent it for two days and reward yourself. (Oops, I forgot to mention sir will need to leave a £50,000 deposit, better bring your hat.)

Bugatti Veyron for hire

9 replies on “Want to buy your own Bugatti Veyron?”

Thats just pocket money…..
The included mileage might be a problem though!!
Includes 100 miles – additional miles @ 25 pound per mile!!!
At 250mph that could add up VERY quickly

Great article but just to be pedantic…

Luxury car tax is (in most cases) only not payable on second hand cars that have already had LCT paid.

Even then, it is possible to have to pay additional LCT on a second hand car if the car is less than 2 years old and it has increased in value (admittedly these are rare cases).

“who could resist the 16.4 litre engine”

Ahem…. the engine is not even half that big. The 16.4 means its got 16 cylinders and 4 turbos.

I just want to know if you can buy a Bugatti Veyron in Australia if you can, can you by one in Perth Western Australia

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