Targa Tasmania

Targa Tasmania 2009 – Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

These photos were taken on Leg 2 at the ‘Longford’ town stage. The 2.9km zig-zag street circuit gives spectators a chance to see the cars in action without the need to beat road closures.

The town stages at Targa Tasmania have generous base times. This means the bulk of the field will usually ‘clean’ the stage and incur no time penalties. This was the case for ‘Longford’ as the results show, but a pattern was starting to emerge on the leaderboard with Tony Quinn and Kevin Weeks heading the pack.

As with the previous image galleries, more pics can be seen after the jump. Don’t forget to click on each pic to load the 2000px super image. A brief video clip of the day’s proceedings is also included.

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

Targa Tasmania 2009 - Longford

One reply on “Targa Tasmania 2009 – Longford”


Some family friends live in Longford, one day I’ll have to get down there at this time of year.

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