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Rowan Atkinson crashes his McLaren F1

Rowan Atkinson, McLaren F1

Reports from the UK bring word that Rowan Atkinson has been hospitalised after crashing his McLaren F1. Although it has been described that Atkinson “cheated death” he suffered only a minor shoulder injury.

It’s understood the 56-year-old comedian lost control of the car and it spun three times before crashing into a tree then a street light sign. He was able to free himself from the wreckage and was assisted by a witness until emergency crews arrived.

The Sun is quoting a source as saying, “It’s a miracle that he managed to walk away from the crash. He’s a very lucky man.

“The car was a wreck, really badly damaged. Rowan must be absolutely gutted.”

Atkinson recently appeared on Top Gear where he told of the admiration for his F1 before setting the fastest ever time in the ‘Star in a reasonably priced car’ segment.

It’s not the first time Atkinson, a part-time racer of historic cars, has crashed his McLaren, a quick google search finding this report of a low speed accident in traffic from 1999.

Fingers crossed the legendary Mac, of which only 106 were made, is not a total loss. However, early reports don’t sound promising.

[Source: The Sun | Pic: Gareth Purnell/Rex Features]

UPDATE: Atkinson is expected to be released from hospital shortly. The Guardian reports McLaren is hoping to repair the car. A spokesman from the Woking outfit said, “We are waiting to hear more details on the incident, and wish him well for his recovery in the meantime.”

UPDATE 7 August: New pics of Atkinson’s wrecked F1 can be seen HERE.

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