Bugatti News

NGV International – Bugatti exhibition

NGV International (Melbourne) - Bugatti exhbition

A quick reminder for Melbourne readers not to miss the Bugatti exhibition currently on show at the National Gallery of Victoria. Entry to the exhibition is free and it is open until 26 April. The blurb from the NGV website states:

“For most people the world of Bugatti is associated with cars. However, the Bugatti story is a much larger one, encompassing three generations and four remarkable individuals: Carlo Bugatti, his sons Ettore and Rembrandt, and Ettore’s son Gianoberto (Jean). For the first time in Australia this exhibition will show the furniture, sculpture and cars of this extraordinary family…”

Included are incredibly rare examples of two stunning cars, Ettore Bugatti’s Type 37 racing car and a Type 57C coupe designed by Jean Bugatti. Amazingly, all the items on display are from Australian collectors.

After the jump you can see a brief 4 minute video featuring pieces from the exhibition, including footage of the two cars in action.

[Source: NGV]