Formula 1 News

Mark Webber slams Bahrain GP decision

Mark Webber

Mark Webber has published his thoughts on the decision to reschedule the Bahrain Grand Prix for 30 October and it’s fair to say he’s not happy.

“In my personal opinion, the sport should have taken a much firmer stance earlier this year rather than constantly delaying its decision in hope of being able to re-schedule it in 2011,” says Webber.

“It would have sent a very clear message about F1’s position on something as fundamental as human rights and how it deals with moral issues. It’s obvious that the parties involved have struggled to reach a decision but sadly I feel that they still haven’t made the right one. Like it or not, F1 and sport in general isn’t above having a social responsibility and conscience. I hope F1 is able to return to Bahrain eventually but now isn’t the right time.”

On the surface, Webber’s position is admirable. Assuming all is equal between now and late October, will Mark back his beliefs and choose not to race?

Follow the source link below for the full statement.

[Source: | Pic: Red Bull/Getty Images]

3 replies on “Mark Webber slams Bahrain GP decision”

In addition to Bahrain being put back on the calendar, the move of the India GP from 17th to 20th means we no longer have the finale in Brazil… which I thought was a good tradition, like starting in Melbourne!

Maybe India needs the extra 3 weeks to finish the track…

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