Accessories & Tech MINI

Official MINI Connected demo

Internet communication is coming to the auto industry. Actually, it’s already arrived, and MINI is just one of the companies at the forefront of integrating their on-board infotainment systems with the wireless world. Here’s a brief demo of the MINI Connected system which comes to us thanks to MINI USA.

Watch the clip and let us know if you think such technology is a distracting fad or a required feature.

Oh, for the record, full MINI Connected internet capability is not available in the Australian market yet. Your local MINI Garage should have more info on when, or if, that may become available.

[via MotoringFile]

3 replies on “Official MINI Connected demo”

I wish i lived in Syndey so i could listen to RAW FM. (0:51) Pretty cool but.

I really wish that the authorities would change their minds and allow us to have and use MINI connected in the Australian market. It is as safe to use as a GPS device and makes sense to have in place as an option. Do the authorities prefer it if drivers use their phones whilst driving to use similar features to those presented in the Connected app? Silly how we get left behind the rest of the world when it comes to adopting new, safe technology.

Let’s wake up and get with the 21st century, otherwise we risk getting left behind!!

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