Formula 1

Williams F1 confirms flotation on Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Williams F1

Williams Grand Prix Holdings has confirmed it will be launching an Initial Public Offering on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The IPO will consist of up to 27.39% or 2,739,383 existing shares.

Sir Frank Williams will retain his majority shareholder status and therefore his controlling interest of Williams F1.

In January Williams F1 released a statement from Sir Frank Williams which read, in part, “It is also my desire that the team is in good shape to go on racing long after I am gone. To that end, it is prudent and necessary to plan for an ownership structure that will enable Williams to be an independent Constructor, owned and staffed by people committed to Formula One and to the sound business practices which have supported us over three decades.

“I have concluded that the option which will best achieve this is to broaden our shareholder base with public shareholders, while having a stable core of long-term investors closely involved in the running of the team. This will ensure stability, good governance and will, I believe, enable us to attract and retain the best people and partners.”