Formula 1 News

Ayrton Senna movie preview

Ayrton Senna

A trailer for the upcoming Ayrton Senna movie has been posted to YouTube. You can see the clip after the jump. The movie is sure to be compelling viewing and, as in life, the movie about Senna will most likely polarise opinions, too. On talent alone Senna is clearly one of the best drivers we have ever seen. But he was a complex character. Was he hero or villain?

[Thanks to Micky for the tip]

9 replies on “Ayrton Senna movie preview”

I’ve been revisiting the 1991-94 F1 Seasons during the break… I’m certainly geared up for this film…

Can’t wait.. i also got the goosebumps watching this trailer, magic stuff. When is this due to be released?

The day that F1 had died as truely he was grand master of F1 and i quiet sure there will no other be ever like him.
He is the greatest driver of all time may he rest in Peace but he will be never be forgotten.

2 sessions Adelaide Australian debut. Last Sunday 27th. 2nd final session Sunday March 6th. It is awesome. Don’t miss it.

Mel, slow down, we get it. We reported on the Adelaide screenings last week ->

If you want to do something useful, and assuming you have seen the movie already, you could write a review and send it in to the address on our About page.

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