Kia Top Gear

Cruise and Diaz to appear in Top Gear 15×05

Tom Cruise & Cameron Diaz

Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz will appear in the next episode of Top Gear. They will be the guests at the wheel of the Kia Cee’d in the “Star in a reasonably priced car” segment.

The news has just been revealed by Richard Porter on Porter explains, “Back in 2002 when we were planning New TopGear, we used to reflect on the newly minted idea of a star in a Reasonably Priced Car and cackle quietly to ourselves.

“‘Tom Cruise!’ we would smirk. ‘Tom Cruise in a crappy Korean hatchback!’

“That was the gag: massive A-list celebrities finding themselves shoehorned into the kind of car they’d normally never be seen dead in. The whole thing was deliberately preposterous.”

Episode 5 of Season 15 is shaping up as cracker with an Ayrton Senna tribute scheduled, as well as James May nearing 400km/h in a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.

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