
2013 Porsche Cayman image leaked

2013 Porsche Cayman (981)

A French magazine is understood to be the source of this leaked image showing the new 981 Porsche Cayman. The car is scheduled to be officially revealed by Porsche in the next 24 hours.

It’s expected the Cayman will source its engines from the 981 Boxster, which means the entry-level model should feature a 2.7 litre flat-six, while the Cayman S will have a 3.4 litre. Of course, being a theoretical level up the Porsche food chain the Cayman is likely to get a modest 10hp power increase over the 265hp (195kW) and 315hp (232kW) offered in the two Boxster engines.

We’ll bring you full details as soon as we can. In the meantime there’s a short video after the break showing some Cayman prototypes driving near Porsche’s headquarters in Stuttgart.

[Source: Worldscoop | Thanks to John for the tip]