
Porsche 911 Turbo to boast four-wheel steering?

Porsche 911 Turbo prototype

Word from Germany, via Auto Bild, says the new Porsche 911 Turbo will feature a four-wheel steering system. In conjunction with the Turbo’s all-wheel drive system it’s said the steering will provide a sharper and more nimble steering response.

Peak power for the new 911 Turbo is expected to be around 390kW (approx 520hp) and it could be that Porsche is another manufacturer to fall prey the charms of three turbochargers.

[Source: Auto Bild via WCF | Pic: Autocar]

One reply on “Porsche 911 Turbo to boast four-wheel steering?”

are Porsche so desperate to trump the GTR’s ‘Ring time that they have dug up Nissans old HICAS (High Capacity Active Steering) 90s technology from the R32-34s and fitted it to the 911? ohhh the irony

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