Formula 1 Motorsports Subaru

Robert Kubica wins comeback rally in Italy

Robert Kubica

Former Lotus (nee Renault) F1 driver Robert Kubica returned to the winner’s circle in his competition comeback in Italy on the weekend. Competing in the in the Ronde Gomitolo di Lana rally, it was his first competitive event since he badly injured himself in the Ronde di Andora rally back in February last year.

At the wheel of a Subaru Impreza WRC Kubica and co-driver, Giuliano Manfredi, were first on all four stages to win the event by almost one minute. You can see some highlights via YouTube after the break.

The successful comeback run is a great boost to Kubica’s recovery and comes a little over a week since it was reported he tested a Ford Fiesta RS WRC.

[via Autosport]

Ronde Gomitolo di Lana top 10

  1. Kubica / Manfredi (Subaru Impreza WRC S12B)
  2. Bergo / Brusati (Mini Countryman WRC)
  3. Uzzeni / Fappani (Subaru Impreza S14 WRC)
  4. Borsa / Berra (Citroen C4 WRC)
  5. Pettenuzzo / Tirone (Ford Focus WRC)
  6. Miele / Beltrame (BMW M3)
  7. Lombardi / Urban (Renault Clio S1600)
  8. Bernardi / Barra (Peugeot 207 S2000)

2 replies on “Robert Kubica wins comeback rally in Italy”

Good start Robert, and incredible courage to get here so quickly! But winning against a bunch of amateur drivers means nothing. Let’s move on to the more serious stuff now!

@Way I was happy about the result when i first saw it, but I’m coming around to your way of thinking and whats worse is, its not getting easier for him, its only going to get harder, hope he can win the next competition by a minute or more…

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