
Holy outlandish Veyron rendering Batman!

Bugatti Renaissance rendering

The images you see here are the work of John Mark Vicente, a recent Communication Design graduate at the Emily Carr University in Canada. Using a Bugatti Veyron as a base Vicente has penned a creation that would sit very nicely in the Batcave.

The exercise formed part of the student’s university work and as an exercise in pushing the boundaries with the freedom tertiary study offers I think John Mark has done a great job. Over at evo they are not so sure, though.

The Veyron was recently awarded a “Car of the Decade” title in the Top Gear Season 14 finale. So, what do you think, is this an improvement on the original, or did John Mark fail?

One thing is sure, the name John Mark Vicente is now a lot more well known that it was before these renderings were released!

[Source: evo]

Bugatti Renaissance rendering

Bugatti Renaissance rendering

Bugatti Renaissance rendering

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