Formula 1

Force India employees affected by bomb scare

Bahrain GP protests

Regular F1 correspondent for Reuters, Alan Baldwin, is in Bahrain for this weekend’s grand prix and he brings word of what its like on the ground in the troubled Gulf state.

Grabbing the headlines are two Force India employees who have asked to return home to Britain after being caught up in a petrol bomb scare. An official statement from Bahrain race organisers said: “[it was] an isolated incident involving a handful of illegal protesters acting violently towards police. During this incident a Molotov cocktail landed in the vicinity of their vehicle.”

Despite this circuit officials remain confident they can maintain track safety, saying they “can confirm that all the usual precautions are being taken around the track to ensure the level of security is maintained.”

Meanwhile a group of British politicians have written to F1’s major sponsors claiming their brands will be damaged due to their involvement in Bahrain.

James Allen has written of the uneasy sense of calm in Bahrain, stating: “The Grand Prix is moving up into gear. Everywhere there are banners proclaiming that Bahrain is ‘UniF1ied’, while the slogan ‘back on track’ is also evident. It’s quite surprising the extent to which the FIA and Bernie Ecclestone have allowed the government to use the F1 brand in its political messaging about the country moving forward.”

[Source: Reuters | Pic: Telegraph]

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