
City v country

I was pretty critical of the daft Corolla ad this time last year. But, credit where credit is due, this new “Nothing soft gets in—Country border security” ad is bloody good.

“Can I get the collar down please.” “When did you have last latte sir?” “Yea, we got tofu here.”

Haha, they’re all great lines, and there’s still some hidden gems in there, as well.

Although, I thought it was a bit rough of them to single out an old Suzuki Sierra as being no good out bush. They’ve been hanging on in the outback, tough as old nails, as well as anything Toyota has ever made.

[Thanks to Adam for the reminder]

9 replies on “City v country”

haha popped pink polo

Saw this ad the other day and had a laugh. Thanks for the longer version.

i posted this on vortex ages ago 😛 .. but still its great 🙂 “makes you smell nice does it.” “yeah it does” “nice and beautiful…” hahahaha

I don’t really do Facebook, or Toyota to be honest. But that’s more of a time constraint issue than anything else. Where’s my advertising, haha!


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