Since its launch AUSmotive has been a solo affair. After 18 months it’s now time to branch out with a new column called The European. Who or what is The European? Well, that is a closely guarded secret as you will read below.
AUSmotive has been bringing you the best and most up-to-date daily European motoring news in Australia for some time now. It has a reputation for honest, up front stories about the European motoring scene and the most interesting motoring stories from around the world.
Rather foolishly, that’s all on the line now.
With the swagger of a drunken showboater on Melbourne Cup day, The European will appear every couple of weeks to tell it like it is. No fence sitting. No traction control. You’re either with me or against me.
To protect my family, it’s essential that I remain anonymous. The last time I wrote for a daily newspaper, where I stated that from time to time I drove with my fog lights on “for the glamour”, we were inundated with emails threatening us with cheap phone deals, unclaimed African lottery winnings and penis extensions (although police say no link was ever established to anything I had ever written and that it was entirely because I had been browsing lecherous websites).
I can’t take that chance again. I’m no longer ready to live so far over the edge, my face and name known from Taree to Townsville, so it’s important I’m only ever known as…
…The European.
Watch this space.
11 replies on “Something new for AUSmotive”
What the ???
This is my land bruva!
uh oh…
I’m sensing some hesitation here. Trust me, it will be alright!
Is it Wayne? Lima you’ve created your own Stig haha
Can we call you “the man bag” instead?
But you’re not.
I’m not sure what credibiliy a bloke who is well known in Taree caries re. the European motoring scene – I guess we’ll wait and see.
…or one that drives with his (or her) fog lights on ’cause it looks cool…
bring on the biff.
[…] The new BMW 5 series has recently been unveiled to the motoring press in Portugal. As luck would have it, The European was there to sample the new F10 first hand. That’s me above and, thankfully, the editor agreed to put boxes over my face to protect my identity. […]