Formula 1 Motorsports News

Jean Todt – It’s good to be the king

Jean Todt

Mel Brooks has just been voted in as the new President of the FIA. Okay, that’s not entirely true, but Brooks’ look-alike, former Ferrari F1 chief, Jean Todt, is the new top dog at the FIA.

Todt easily beat former world rally champion, Ari Vatanen, to the highest office in motorsport and, for what it is worth, he has Bernie Ecclestone’s approval, for now, “As far as Formula One is concerned, Todt’s the right man for the job,” Ecclestone has been quoted as saying in The Times. “He knows all our problems and I’m sure he is not going to interfere at all. Jean is calmer than Max and is good for everyone, although Max did a very good job and we are going to miss him.”

The former Ferrari connection at the FIA might get even stronger with reports suggesting seven time F1 world champion Michael Schumacher could be courted by Todt to fill a management role in Formula One.

The end of Max Mosley’s reign as FIA President won’t be causing too many tears I don’t think, but the jury remains out on Todt’s potential. His record in team manager is impeccable, but how will he go when his responsibilites are not so insular? We’ll just have to wait and see.

[Source: FIA & TimesOnline]