Audi Ford Video WRC

What happens when you meet your heroes?

Chris Harris drives the Ford RS200 and Audi Sport Quattro

It’s often said that you should never meet your heroes. The fear being they can never live up to your massive expectations. We’re not sure if your hero is an inanimate object if the the same can be said or not. What we do know is if we were ever offered the chance to drive our automotive heroes we’d bite off the hand making the offer with extreme enthusiasm.

For us our heroes would be the Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing, the McLaren F1 or Porsche Carrera GT. Throw in a Ferrari F40 for good measure. For Chris Harris, two of his automotive heroes are the Ford RS200 and Audi Sport Quattro. Two cars made in limited numbers of 200 for the sole purpose of meeting Group B rally regulations.

True icons they are, but can they live up to the hype? Check out the video after the break to find out.

[Thanks to Adam for the tip]

3 replies on “What happens when you meet your heroes?”

There’s another good one in the rack, too. The new Drive outlet is suiting Harris really well. And he’s a short arse like me, too, so at least I have one thing in common, haha.

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