Formula 1 Video

28 years of Formula 1 engine sounds

Mark Webber, Red Bull Racing (2008)

If you’re one of the people who think the current V6 power units in Formula 1 sound rubbish here’s a video that should help put things right.

The clip starts back in 1987, the last time the drivers had V6 turbos propelling them, and takes us right through the shrieking normally aspirated V12-V10-V8 era and ends with this year’s aural disappointment.

[Source: rhyswlF1]

3 replies on “28 years of Formula 1 engine sounds”

I don’t mind the sound changes so much, but I definitely prefer the earlier years when the driver was hanging on for dear life. Watching Senna bounce around the cockpit through Monaco and wringing every ounce of life out of his ride at the same time should make an F1 fan out of anybody.

The new cars sound like rubbish and are whisper quiet. They have ruined F1 racing in my opinion. The atmosphere is no longer there. Nothing will beat the screaming V10 and V12 of the 3.5L years. A lot of teams also used the Cosworth V8 in those yeas too but still never sounded as good as the screaming V10’s and 12’s. Personally I preferred the V10’s they just sounded that little bit sweeter, but the V12’s were great sounding too.

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