Formula 1 News

Australian Grand Prix secured until 2020

2014 Australian Grand Prix

Victorian Premier, Dr Denis Napthine, has been making waves today to tell the world he’s signed a contract extension which will keep the Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne until 2020.

“Formula 1 is a key pillar of Victoria’s major sporting events strategy,” Dr Napthine said. “This calendar is unrivalled worldwide, commencing with the Australian Tennis Open and Asian Football Cup in January, followed by the ICC Cricket World Cup in February, the Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix in March, the AFL Final Series, and the Spring Racing Carnival.”

It’s good news for Australian F1 fans who are often used to hearing Victorian politicians threaten to drop the race. Usually such comments are all dependent on the electoral cycle, of course.

Often, pollies will talk tough when in opposition and then when they get into power and have a chance to smile at their adoring fans from the victory dais they tend to change their tune. Speaking of which, Dr Napthine hopes to have a photo of he and world champion hope Daniel Ricciardo on his mantlepiece real soon.

“Within this contract we hope to see Australia’s own Daniel Ricciardo win the Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix and become World Champion,” Natpthine added.

There’s no talk of any financial agreements between Victoria and F1, just that Ron Walker, AGPC Chairman, has secured “the best deal for Victoria.”

We can’t forget Bernie, either, he sounds over the moon at this new deal. Really, he does. If nothing else it makes a nice change from all that bribery chat.

“I congratulate Melbourne for the excellent way in which it presents Formula 1 to the world,” Mr Ecclestone said.

The 2015 Australian Grand Prix will be held on Sunday 15 March.

[Source: Australian Grand Prix]

3 replies on “Australian Grand Prix secured until 2020”

What a shame, I was wishfully hoping it would go back to the fabulous Adelaide street circuit again. What exciting races they were. Oh well, Melbourne can continue loosing money I guess, just to see they have a GP and on what is rated by most drivers as a sh@# and uninspiring track. I’ve been to both and Adelaide kicked Melbourne butt bth in atmosphere and the actual circuit.

Bob, you are an idiot. I have never heard any driver (who has raced there) rate Melbourne poorly. Time for you to put on your slippers and gown and moan all the way back to the old folks home.

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