McLaren Video

McLaren F1 owners’ GTG

McLaren F1 gathering

Picture this: 12 McLaren F1s, six McLaren F1 GTRs, two McLaren P1s and a collection of McLaren 12Cs and 650Ss. That’s one fearsome get together, featuring some of the motoring world’s best ever creations.

Of course, despite the P1’s might, it’s the revolutionary F1s which stole the limelight at this weekend event in Italy. A couple of videos showing these cars can be seen after the break. Alas, there’s no wide open throttle runs, or even an F1 v P1 drag, but there’s still plenty for you to admire.

Turns out there was supposed to be 13 F1s in attendance, but one didn’t quite make it.

[Thanks to Aaron for the tip]

One reply on “McLaren F1 owners’ GTG”

Just so awesome. I’d lose my shit if I saw all those F1s in one place at one time!

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