Formula 1

Mark Webber, remember him?

2010 Monaco Grand Prix

One of the most reliable and respected sources of Formula 1 news is Autosport. So when they create a list of the 25 best F1 drivers never to have won a world championship you can expect it to be well researched and well considered.

You may be surprised to learn, then, that Mark Webber didn’t make the list. With the likes of bona fide F1 legends Stirling Moss and Gilles Villeneuve at the pointy end of their list that may be fair enough.

We don’t suggest for a moment Mark is an all-time great of F1, but we do think he should, at the very least, be mentioned in the same breath as Michele Alboreto, Rene Arnoux, Jacques Lafitte and John Watson, if not ranked ahead of them. What about Juan Pablo Montoya or even Robert Kubica (ranked third behind Moss and Villeneuve)?

In 2010, Mark’s best chance at winning a world championship, he only finished third, we acknowledge. But going into that final race in Abu Dhabi he was a chance to win the crown.

Overall Webber won nine grands prix. That’s three more than Gilles Villeneuve and more career wins than 17 of the drivers in Autosport’s list of 25.

At his very best Webber showed he could mix it with the sport’s elite. While the Autosport list doesn’t count for much, we still think our Mark wuz robbed!

[Source: Autosport+ (sub reqd) | Pic: Red Bull/Getty Images]

3 replies on “Mark Webber, remember him?”

Juan Pablo Montoya, you have got to be kidding! The guy can’t even get to the chase in NASCAR. Ambrose beats him in NASCAR!!
And Kubica….Are they sure this wasn’t a case of could have beens?? If Robert didnt almost slice his hand off rallying off season, then maybe he’d been a success in F1, but as it was, Webber beat him when they competed together.
And for Webber to finish bridesmaid against Vettel, whom is regarded already as the best of the modern era, and maybe soon ever, Mark should be definitely in top 25!
Autosport, you suck!

So Autosport’s list was:

25. Jacques Laffite
24. Carlos Pace
23. Michele Alboreto
22. Rubens Barrichello
21. Gerhard Berger
20. David Coulthard
19. René Arnoux
18. Wolfgang von Trips
17. John Watson
16. Clay Regazzoni
15. Carlos Reutemann
14. Francois Cevert
13. Jean Behra
12. Chris Amon
11. Juan Pablo Montoya
10. Felipe Massa
9. Didier Pironi
8. Tony Brooks
7. José Froilán González
6. Jacky Ickx
5. Ronnie Peterson
4. Dan Gurney
3. Robert Kubica
2. Gilles Villeneuve
1. Stirling Moss

Here’s the issue though – with these lists, it’s always subjective.So take it with a grain of salt. Was Webber good enough to be on the list here? The answer is really up to you. It’s just an op-ed list. Not statistical, not based on what they did after F1, etc.

Consider this though: Mark has not won a single championship apart from the state karting title in his younger days. He is truly what his twitter handle @AussieGrit, is all about…

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